Right now, students all across the country are demonstrating in favor of stricter gun control laws after last week's tragedy in Parkland, Florida. They're staging walkouts, speaking to state and federal officials, and marching in their cities.

But what about the people that feel strongly about this issue -- or any number of issues such as women's rights, Black Lives Matter or the #MeToo movement -- but can't demonstrate publicly? Maybe they have barriers to transportation, can't take off work or are too afraid for their safety to visibly Protest.

If you're in this position, is there anything you can do? Actually, yes.

Protest on social media

The #MeToo movement gained traction through a Twitter hashtag. Last year, Reddit users led a protest in support of net neutrality entirely on the online platform. Even though social media isn't a tangible thing, it is often enough to mobilize others capable of protesting publicly into actually doing so.

Call your representatives, then, call again

Last February, Senate representative Pat Toomey received so many phone calls, emails and even faxes from Philadelphians angry about his approval of President Trump's cabinet picks. Tumblr encouraged users to contact their Congresspeople during the vote on net neutrality.

Speaking to someone on the phone, while intimidating, may be just the thing needed to make a change. While large-scale protests are impactful, there is something to be said for picking up the phone and making your stance on an issue crystal-clear to a single person who may have the ability to do some good.

Be civically engaged

There are countless stories of people choosing to run for office after the 2016 presidential election. Voter turnout was exceedingly high in local and state elections after that same election. Why? Because that's how voters protested President Trump. So register to vote and consider running for office. Sometimes, if you want to see a change made, you have to be the one to make it happen.

Share your story

Part of the reason why the #MeToo movement gained so much traction is that people chose to share their personal, heartbreaking stories. Often, all a movement needs is a personal story to humanize it and make it seem more real. If you're comfortable and able, tell your story to emphasize why you are protesting.

Keep talking

Blog about it. Tweet about it. Start an organization in your hometown. Protesting is meaningless without action. Make sure the issue is being kept at the forefront of people's minds so change is actually made. Colin Kapernick took a knee to raise awareness of the Black Lives Matter movement, and because news media kept covering it, the conversation never went away.

Protesting doesn't always mean demonstrating. There are other protests that can incite change, but they have one thing in common: your voice.