You've seen those jugglers who keep six balls in the air at the same time, right? They're amateurs compared to a work-at-home mom. WAHMs can do 10 things simultaneously, in heels without mussing their hair. Well, maybe that's an exaggeration, but they can juggle important stuff -- work, childcare, bills, errands, parenting, housework, laundry, and even a little romance and make it look easy. You can too with these multi-tasking parent's organization protips.
First, a word to clarify
Before proceeding, it's important to note the difference between a WAHM (work-at-home mom) and a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom) --not much.
All mothers are working women whether they go to a place of employment, are self-employed from home, homeschool, or care for their children. And not to gender stereotype -- there are some amazing dads who git-er-done like pros, though maybe in a different way. Maybe it's time for a change in nomenclature to WAHP. Here's how a successful work-at-home parent manages a hectic schedule.
Break it up
Break tasks into bite-sized steps. When you see "clean house" on my to-do list, you might feel queasy thinking of it as a whole. So list the jobs that go into that magnum opus. Dole out assignments to kids, spouse, or partner -- yes, they should help too, even tots. As tasks are completed, check them off (very satisfying).
Schedule and organize
Do you get that these are crucial? Use Yahoo or Google Calendar as an online organizer. It's free, doesn't slow down your browser and can be installed with a little button on the navigation field. Set up the calendar on your email or Gmail for ease of use and set notification reminders to ding on your phone and PC, 10 minutes beforehand (30 minutes for an appointment).
Get a free list-making organization app like Taskos from Google Play or iTunes.
Mix it up
Say you're an freelance writer and homeschooling parent with little kids at home. Alternate tasks to care for children while working. While kids play or do studies, write an article. Then feed the children and write another article while they nap.
Tidy the kitchen and research your next article while they watch a show. Then take a walk with children and spouse.
Keep it short and simple. Schedule your bills and pay a few per day as they come through. Do quick bathroom touch-ups with a disinfectant wipe after or even while you shower. Wash dishes as you go, don't let them pile up. Write terse, punchy articles. Take 15 minute breaks and read to kids. Take a quick power nap when baby sleeps. Use your under 20-minute meals cookbook to get dinner on the table faster.
Set processes in motion
This is multitasking gold. Start a load of clothes to dry, dishes to wash, then put dinner in the crock pot. Set dishes to soak, take kids outside, hang clothes on the line, prep vegetables for dinner, text customers and tend the garden while they play.
Start a craft project with kids while you sort paperwork.
Make work into play
Let the children think they are playing while knocking tasks. Have races with the sprinkler. Pass out super soakers and have them wash the car. Make a treasure hunt out of tidying the garage. Turn laundry folding into a sorting game. Play music and make raking into a family dance competition. Do a tango with your hubby and completely embarrass the kids! And, if you're worrying about baby weight loss, no need -- you'll get an entire workout in!
Combine tasks
While your car is being repaired, walk the kids and the dog to nearby shops. Get produce from the farmer's market and fish for supper. Mail letters, fill prescriptions, and return library books.
Jot work notes on your phone. Eat a picnic lunch in the park with kids and Facetime with your sweetie. Stop by your doctor's office to schedule an appointment or pay a bill. Visit a lonely relative. That's about eight tasks done, plus, you get exercise and get to enjoy bonding time with the kids.