The city of Cape Town is in serious trouble. After a drought lasting three years, it is likely to become the first major world city to run out of water. Local authorities have set a “Day Zero” of April 21 this year as the day the taps could finally run dry unless some much-needed rain happens before then.

Despite the Cape Town water crisis, South Africans never lack a sense of humor and even the current problems in the country can end up being the brunt of jokes.

Fash Ngobese is a filmmaker and stand-up comedian, who couldn’t resist putting together two videos, which not only reflect the serious crime suffered in South Africa, but also take a jab at the water crisis.

Man mugged for his water bottle

As noted by The South African, if Capetonians don’t see the funny side of things, they’ll just cry as the water levels in the province decline. In the first video posted to his Facebook page, Ngobese put together a sketch showing a man being mugged in the streets of Cape Town. In the video included below, we see the terrified victim cowering as a mugger approaches and starts sifting through his belongings.

The mugger looks at a cellphone and shrugs, casting it aside. He then opens the victim’s backpack, removing his precious laptop, which he also drops to the pavement. It turns out the mugger has only one commodity in mind, as he pulls out a plastic water bottle and immediately starts drinking. The victim is in shock at the loss of that precious commodity, while the mugger drinks his fill, then runs off with the bottle.

Car thief with a difference

On Thursday, Ngobese added a second video, this time featuring another serious crime in South Africa – that of car theft. We see the shady character approaching a car on a quiet street. While looking around to make sure no one’s watching, he carefully pries the car door open.

Rather than climbing into the driver’s seat and making off with his prize, the car thief pulls the lever to open the car’s hood and walks to the front of the vehicle.

One might believe he is trying to wire the vehicle to make a hasty retreat, but no, the car thief takes off the radiator cap, turns and picks up a drinking straw. We then see him place the straw into the radiator, taking a refreshing and much-needed drink of water.

While the controversial subjects of both videos are nothing to laugh about these days in South Africa, both videos soon went viral, drawing thousands of views. As for Ngobese himself, he lives in Johannesburg, and while the fierce rivalry between the two cities continues unabated, his comedy has added a little extra spice to the brew.