It’s more than likely a woman in her 40s knows of the one-time HBO hit show, “Sex In The City,” and is either a hardcore fan herself or knows many friends who are. Sarah Jessica Parker and her posse took to the streets of New York for six seasons, offering stories that demonstrated just how fabulous women are and could be. Fabulous was one of Carrie’s Bradshaw’s favorite words and she did it justice. As Season 2 of Parker’s latest HBO show, “Divorce,” hits the airwaves, here’s a little ode to those sexy New York girls. They’d all be so proud of where women stand today, as years of inequality and abuse come to the forefront of people’s consciousness (#metoo movement).
Seven reasons why being in your 40s is absolutely fabulous for women
The hair on your legs doesn’t grow anywhere near as fast or as furious as it did in your 20s
You don’t have to be Italian to understand the beauty of this. Shaving is no longer necessary daily for a 40-something woman to be smooth and there is a lot less to contend with in the body hair department in your 40s.
You no longer believe you know it all
With age comes the wisdom to know that you don’t know. Remember how righteous you could be in your teens and 20s? Sure, there are some people who never outgrow this but reality often takes care of them. Those women who realize they don’t have all the answers though, typically do so around their 40s.
Not so much because of some enlightenment but because life has shown them that’s the case, whether they like it or not.
40 is the new 20 in terms of aging
Take a look at the 1980s series, “The Golden Girls,” for comparison. Those lovely ladies, minus Sophia, were women in their later 50s the bulk of the show but if you compared them to the women in their 50s today it would make sense why Betty White nearly looks the same now as she did then.
Aging has been helped over the years with advancements in medicine, food production, and health remedies, to name only a few.
Knowing your body and friends
You know your body inside and out
Chances are by the time you’re 40, you and your body have been through a lot. Weight issues, health issues, love/hate issues, sexual issues, and so much more.
Being comfortable in one’s skin can be a beautiful thing and though the youth has more advantages on the exterior, the interior is more developed at 40, allowing a woman to realize their true beauty on a level they likely wouldn’t have when younger.
You know who your friends are
By the time a woman reaches her 40s, those friends in her life who‘ve decided to stick around and deal are likely the ones she knows she can trust. Other friends have come and gone and while that is not always a bad thing, with age comes better knowledge of who you can trust and who you can’t.
You know who your enemies are
And on the flip-side of the point above, you’ll likely know who your enemies are as well. Those who had not-so-great motives have likely been revealed by now so by the time a woman reaches their 40s, much of the fat in her life has been trimmed down to the meat.
Acne is not the scary monster it was in one’s teens and 20s
Sure, women in their 40s still get pimples but those things are typically far and few in between and nowhere near the craters they once were when going through puberty and young adulthood. Also, one’s makeup applying skills and products have likely grown so covering up those pesky bumps are not nearly as difficult as it once was.