The Harvey Weinstein sexual misconduct scandal has brought to light the horrific physical and emotional abuse that individuals in power are using to take advantage of more vulnerable people, or subordinates. But abuse isn't limited to physical abuse, as predators may also use non-violent ways to show their power over another person. A report from Buzzfeed revealed that in Australia, women who experienced emotional abuse from their partners are 20 percent more likely to fall victim to "intimate partner violence." The research was conducted by the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research.

These findings have also outlined the following warning signs that a person is in an Abusive Relationship and encourages people to seek help or ask a friend to seek help when such actions are witnessed.

1. Your partner controls who you speak to and where you go

If your partner becomes exceedingly jealous and demands to know who you're talking to and where you go, there might be some unresolved issues that he or she is dealing with and may indicate that he/she is borderline abusive.

2. Your partner prevents you from accessing money (yours or otherwise) and stops you from working

This is an indication of control—your partner may want to limit your access to resources such as money, a car, a telephone, so he or she can keep you in his/her sights and right where he wants you to be.

3. Your partner constantly calls or texts you when you're not around him or her

Australian psychologist Carmel O'Brien told Buzzfeed that abuse isn't limited to physical manifestations and can be sexual, emotional, and financial. She said, "The prevailing dynamic is there is an imbalance of power in the relationship where one person is trying to intimidate and control the other person."

4. Your partner criticizes or insults you

O'Brien explained that if your partner demands to make decisions for you, it is a red flag that abuse is going on.

Because of this power trip that your partner may be on, you'll feel that he or she has a say in how you act, dress, and talk. It goes even further as to punishment when you do not act accordingly to your partner's will, which again is another red flag of abuse.

5. Your partner harms you and/or your family and/or friends

It begins with cutting you off from your family, but when your partner decides to blackmail you by hurting your family and those close to you, such actions must be reported to the authorities.

6. Your partner takes away your children or those closest to you

Kidnapping is a crime and must also be reported to the police. If your partner threatens to or does take away your children, pets, and possessions to force you to do something against your will, make sure to tell someone you trust, or call the cops.

7. Your partner harms your pets, takes them away, or destroys your possessions and property

As with the previous warning sign, it's best to have someone you trust to talk to. If your partner prevents you from speaking to this person or anyone for that matter, have a getaway strategy by having your friend or relative check on you every 48 to 72 hours. Have an agreement that if he or she doesn't hear from you in that set time, they can call the authorities to ensure your safety.

It's also best to have some sort of electronic log or journal of your experiences with your partner if you think that he or she is being abusive, in case it escalates and ends up in a court case.

If you or your friends are experiencing violence at the hands of their partners, you can ask for assistance by calling the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−SAFE / 1-800-799-7233.