Although parents make sure that they look after their Kids all the time, there are still moments when they cannot watch the kids. And everyone knows that once the kids are left alone even just for a few minutes, they will no doubt do something that is very unexpected.

That is why there is a saying that "when the parents are away, the kids will play!" We have collected hilarious images of children that were left unsupervised. After seeing these, parents will surely think that getting their eyes off the kids is a totally bad idea.

1. When kids use too much bubble bath, your bathroom will be a total mess!

Well, it's like these kids are bathing in a cloud of cotton!

2. When searching for a lost treasure goes to something like this

Now, where did all the pillows go, children?

3. Yummy lotion anyone?

He needed this to avoid sunburn.

4. The kids who did this sure had fine motor skills

5. That's crafting to the next level!

Say goodbye to all the money for groceries.

6. A good way to practice 'sorting'

Someone's in big trouble here.

But at least mom doesn't need to separate the yolks and egg whites anymore.

7. Parents, don't leave the paint can open

That's body art, y'all!

8. A very resourceful kid

She found a new way to store her hairclips. Pretty chic.

9. Who wants face painting?

Guess what character this kid is trying to create.

10. Someone run out of paper

Please just give him some blank paper sheets!

11. He just wanted to be like Hulk

What's wrong with that, anyway?

12. That black TV screen is just boring

Let's bring some more life into it.

13. That sure is a high-tech canvas

Bring it on little Picasso!

14. Is it snowing inside?

Guess how much powder was used to achieve an indoor snow effect.

15. Here's a different way to use whipped cream

Very creative, right?

16. Innovation at its best

Who would think that a car can actually be perfect as a slide?

17. Who says they only got one bathtub?

If there's a will, there's a way!

18. Uhm..Is it Halloween again?

This kid got a lot of bathing to do!

19. When you are feeling blue. Literally

Looks fun, right?

20. Because black and white need some color

Hope the dog likes it, though.

We are not sure how the parents of these kids felt after seeing them in this state. Well, it is apparently funny and annoying at the same time. Whatever it is, moments like this are worth to be treasured because kids won't be kids forever. This is indeed something funny to look back when the kids get older!