Daylight saving time causes clocks to be changed twice a year. In the fall, clocks are turned back one hour and people get an extra hour of sleep. In the spring, clocks are turned forward one hour and people lose an hour of sleep. What people don't know is that Daylight Saving Time is costly for each household and for the state. Some states have noticed how costly it is and officials don't want to go along with the changes but do it anyway to be in sync with the rest of the country.
How costly is DST?
Just how costly is daylight saving time? One study found that it costs the United States about $860 million each time for the two changes every year.
People might understand it better when they realize it is related to energy use. When Germany first began using that method in 1916, it was done to conserve fuel that was needed for artificial lighting during the time of the war. Other countries began to do the same.
Even though the policy was optional, the United States made it mandatory during World War II. After the war ended, the states continued to follow the time change. Researchers in Indiana discovered that lighting and heating costs increased by about $9 million each year.
Other costs
In the spring when days are longer, people spend more time and money when they drive from place to place. Therefore, there is an increase in carbon pollution.
Gas stations sell more than 80 percent more gas during that time of the year. However, it costs them when the clocks are turned back because the days are shorter and people tend to stay home more. Households have to pay more because their electricity and heating bills are higher during this time.
For the first few days after the time changes, companies will lose money because employees will not perform their best.
This happens whether they are getting an extra hour of sleep or losing an hour. It is because of the changes in the rhythm of a person's body.
More traffic accidents occur. They are costly for the people involved because they have to get their cars repaired. If they get injured, there is a doctor or hospital bill, and they lose time from work.
The United States government gives states a choice about keeping or doing away with daylight saving time. Indiana has done the research and seems to be willing to drop daylight saving time. However, only Arizona and Hawaii are the only states so far that do not change their clocks. They have concluded despite the name, there is nothing saved by daylight saving time.