Research shows almost 40% of the women across the globe are experiencing the deficiency of vitamins and minerals and with the increase of age, the risk surges in women. However, all nutrients are essential for the growth and development of body, but Vitamin E is one of the most important vitamins that benefit your health. Possessing anti-oxidant properties, it aids to eliminate Free Radicals; the unstable compounds that damage the cell structure are called free radicals. It is present in foods such as olives, spinach, broccoli, parsley, papaya, sunflower, pumpkin seeds, almonds, pine, nuts, grains, fruits, wheat germ, avocados.
Consuming foods containing vitamin E are associated with the following health Benefits
Beautiful skin
It acts as natural anti-aging agent. Vitamin E strengthens the capillary walls, improves moisture and elasticity, reduces inflammation both inside and outside the body, triggers cell regeneration resulting in skin rejuvenation. Moreover, it is used to treat scars, acne, and wrinkles.
Healthy hair
Regular use of vitamin E oil on your scalp protects your hair from environmental damage and retains their natural moisture, keeping them healthy, soft and shiny.
Good for eye-sight
It can lower the chances of Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) which usually leads to blindness. Taking along with zinc, beta-carotene and vitamin C, Vitamin E is good for vision.
Reduces the possibility of heart diseases
Its antioxidant properties lessen oxidation of low-density lipoprotein(LDL), blood clots and free radical distortion, helping to prevent heart disease.
Lowers hormone imbalance
Hormone imbalance results in obesity, allergies, anxiety, fatigue, allergies, irregular menstrual cycle in females and urinary tract infections.
It keeps balancing of hormones which result in restoration of your energy.
Enhances physical and muscle strength
It improves blood circulation, strengthens capillary walls, provides nutrients to your body and reduces pressure on muscles especially after exercise.
Protection against Alzheimer's disease
Those people who have Alzheimer's disease or other neurodegenerative disorder, Vitamin E delays the worsening of symptoms.
If it is taken along with Vitamin C, it is less likely the severe form of dementia to be developed.
Bottom line
It is better to consult the doctor before taking its supplements as overdoses cause nausea, fatigue, anxiety, headache, and bleeding.