Schools these days aren’t like they were when the writer was a child. The thought of eating a KitKat as part of a lesson on instruction writing sounds like pure heaven. However, parents in Mirfield, West Yorkshire, England, were probably somewhat surprised to receive a letter, asking their permission for their kids to eat the chocolaty treat in class, and telling them to call the school if they were not up to the idea.
Step-by-step guide to eating KitKat
As most people know, there is controversy raging over the best method of munching on a KitKat.
Kourtney Kardashian even made a YouTube video to show how she does it (while avoiding getting chocolate on her white couch).
Andy Blakely, a head teacher at Hopton Primary School wanted to find an original way to teach his five- and six-year-old students how to write step-by-step guides in a literacy lesson, and apparently thought it would be fun to use the popular chocolate wafer candy. He wrote a letter to his students’ parents, asking for their permission and telling them to call if they did not want their child to participate. However, he did add that if any of the children were not allowed to join in the fun, they would still be able to watch their friends munching on KitKats instead, which, naturally, would be sheer torture for all those involved.
Should schools have to ask permission to give your children chocolate?
— Huddersfield News (@Examiner) November 6, 2017
No parent turned down the idea of KitKats in class
Although parents were surprised to receive the letter asking for permission, The Huddersfield Daily Examiner quotes Blakely as saying that no parents turned down the request.
However, the teacher added he felt it important to keep them up-to-date with what their children were doing (and eating) at school. Blakely added that it was never about penalizing a kid if they parents were against the idea, but saying none of them got in touch to turn down the offer. Blakely added that they regularly have activities relating to food technology, art and design and as a courtesy, and contact the parents around five times per year for their permission.
U.K. schools under pressure to encourage healthy eating
As reported by Sky News, schools in the U.K. are under pressure to encourage students to eat healthy food, especially lunches packed by their parents to eat during lunch break. That report quotes a study released in 2016 which showed that only 1.6 percent of children’s packed lunches in U.K. primary schools met healthy nutritional standards. The report said a mere one lunch in five included healthy options like vegetables or salad. The report didn't mention whether KitKats, or for that matter Halloween candy or Easter eggs, came under the heading of nutritional food, but we all know chocolate is good for us! It comes from beans, right?