Whether in high school or college, better grades guarantee a brighter future. Employers look at the academic scores of potential employees when they are looking to add to their workforce. Government funded college fees in the US averaged $9,139 for in-state students and $22,958 for out of state students in 2014 and 2015, according to College Board. Some degrees are more expensive than others, while private institutions charge more than government-funded institutions.

With an ever competitive job market and a costly and challenging educational system, learners need to be aware of Study tips that will get them better grades. The best study tips that will help students receive better grades are,

1. Have a timetable

A timetable enables students to include all subject during their study time. Students might ignore specific topics while studying if they do not have a timetable. The best timetable schedule is one that incorporates difficult subjects such as math.

2. Examine yourself regularly

It is vital for students to examine themselves regularly. Testing yourself prepares you for upcoming tests.

Practice tests are available online on websites such as collegeboard.org. A student can also hire a Private Tutor who will set and mark exams for them. Such tests also eliminate "exam fever" experienced by students who are about to sit for an examination.

3. Be disciplined

Discipline is an essential element of schooling. Disciplined students ensure that they attend classes on a regular basis, sit on all exams, submit assignments on time, prevent themselves from getting into trouble with teachers and the school, are always on time and are attentive in class. Some undisciplined student will at times miss classes due to alcoholism and drug use, insecurity issues, as well as show a "don't care attitude." Befriending Top students in your class and emulating their study habits is always a good idea.

4. Get yourself a private tutor

Since parents are too busy with their careers, a private tutor becomes the best candidate to help students achieve academic success. Private tutors can easily identify subjects and subject areas students are weak. Private tutors are better than regular teacher since teachers teach multiple classes and many students. You can ask various subject questions to a private tutor, and he can allocate more time for you as opposed to your class teacher who is never able to attend to every individual student's needs.