Going out for dinner in a scuba gear complete with breathing apparatus and flippers is going viral on the Internet with divers having their dinner in a restaurant five meters underwater. Guests are seen putting on their diving gears and diving underwater for their wine and dine date.

The underwater Belgian restaurant

The marine restaurant is in Brussels, Belgium situated under a pool, with spherical designed dining rooms.The submerged location used to be the NEM 033 Diving Center, one of the world's deepest pools with a depth of 33 meters utilized to train professional divers.

The dining section is just five meters below the surface.

The sphere is where the weighted divers enter, take their diving suits off, and have their sumptuous meals. The airtight pods have a small table inside The dining structures are anchored on the pool's floor depicting an alien vessel underwater, reports Tech blog. The restaurant may not have all the comforts of a traditional dining hub, but it offers a new kind of experience.

Professional Scuba Diving waiters deliver the underwater guests of their orders

Packed in waterproof sealed containers, seasoned divers carry the food orders down to the dining pods.

Visitors said that it is good that the food is in sealed canisters and gets to the diners hot and ready to eat. The underwater restaurant guests have menus like foie gras, lobster salad, and champagne, specially delivered and ate in a completely submerged air pocket.

John Beernaerts, the founder of the first NEM 033 and the "pearl" underwater restaurant, said that he is establishing a new era of a different kind of dining style. The tourist spot charges a meal that costs €99 ($106.00) per person and took the establishment a year to build with more efforts to perfect its operations and delivery system.

A tranquil dining experience

According to Reuters, the "Pearl" has oval windows that look like a golf ball from the outside.

Divers enjoy their meal while staring out and enjoying the serenity of an underwater dining environment. The underwater restaurant has a steady supply of oxygen and allows visitors to breathe while in the pods.

Nicolas Mouchart and his wife Florence were all smiles after emerging from the underwater restaurant. The temperature of the water submerging the pod is a warm 91 degree swim to the pool side. The couple expressed their first time underwater dining experience filled with fun and excitement.

This Tourist spot is a place for adventurers in search of a new dining experience and environment. The "Pearl" is open for business.