According to reports from the Corporation for Enterprise Development, one out of every two people spend all their money from one paycheck and will have to wait until the next one to have Money to pay their bills. Even worse, if they lose their job there would be nothing to live on until they get another one.
If you are living from Paycheck To Paycheck, that can change. According to an article written by Marilyn Lewis that was posted on Money Talk News on June 16, 2017, there are ways for people to avoid having to live from paycheck to paycheck.
Evaluate spending habits
A person can avoid living from paycheck to paycheck if he stops trying to keep up with the Joneses. People go into debt when they take on the lifestyles of others, especially their spending habits. Every person should march to the beat of their own drum. You will always be behind financially if you try to spend like a friend, neighbor or family member.
Set goals
Setting financial goals will save a person money. Saving money is good, but it will go much easier if a person has a goal in mind. Maybe you want to take a long vacation or make a major purchase. Set up a plan and stick to it until you have met your goal.
Then make your goal bigger. For instance, if you are saving 5 percent of your paycheck one month, increase it to 6 or 7 percent next month. It is easier to save a little at a time rather than trying to save it all at once.
Live on less
Begin to cut back and live on less than you earn. For instance, stop going to Starbucks so often. Perhaps, you can have that specialty coffee every other day. Cutting it out completing might upset you and make you give up your plan altogether. You will never be able to save if you spend all you earn. Get in the habit of saving something. Saving a little is better than saving nothing.
Downsize wherever you can. You will be surprised that you can live without certain things.
Perhaps you are subscribing to more cable channel than you use. Call your cable company and see if there is a less expensive package. Read magazines and newspapers online instead of subscribing to them every month.
Eat at home
It costs less to eat at home than to eat out. Reserve eating out for special occasions instead of eating out several times a week. Cook good meals for your family by buying food when it is on sale and plan your meals around those purchases. If you go to restaurants on days when there are specials, you will save. Those days might be at odd times, but you will be able to save money.
Track money
A lot of people don't know how much money they have or how much they are spending because they don't keep track of it.
Once a person begins to keep tabs on what's coming in and what going out, they will be able to save more. When they see on paper what they are spending, they will know where they can cut down on spending.