It's always a commute going down I-75 South to Sarasota's Lido Beach here in Florida. It is also a worthless commute going towards Orlando from I-4 in Florida. But yet as more and more people are traveling by car on the roads for Memorial Day, and kids can enjoy the first week of summer in Tampa, Road Rage will be a problem that could come with some people paying the price.

Paved with blood

Road rage often meets a terrifying end. Sometimes the ending result is a fatal car crash. In the case of a 52-year-old man in Florida, he suffered critical injuries after a truck driver slammed into him for cutting off another vehicle.

It happened on the U.S. Highway 19 stretch of road in Pinellas County. When I was attending college, a stretch of a major roadway not too far from the college had two people arrested when a road rage video went viral. The video shows a motorcyclist and a driver in a red sedan drifting into wrong lanes and speeding around corners, reckless driving, and no hesitation to stop and look where they were going.

Road rage isn't a great way to go about the stress of travel or work, but it has happened to me loads of times behind the wheel where someone almost hits me and tries to push my car off the road. I was working my way home from a late hair appointment when a van in front of me carrying soccer players was slowly turning into the soccer park by an elementary school off Big Bend Road.

The driver of a golden Chevrolet Cruz almost hits the back of my sister's car I borrowed and speeds off to only turn into a subdivision nearly half a mile ahead from the soccer park. Granted, I did the worst thing, which is to antagonize the road rager and flick him my middle finger, twice. But I never saw him after that and if I did, I would make sure he is arrested for putting my life and others at risk.

In many of these cases of road rage, the drivers are careless and often are distracted behind the wheel. Too busy with their lives on Snapchat, Instagram, and other social media profiles to care for the others around them. I do have my phone in the car, but if you wish to text me, I'll reply when I have met my destination or if I am in a parking lot before I head home.

Most of the time I answer the phone with my Bluetooth.

Avoiding ragers

Legal professionals say the best way to handle road ragers is to avoid them. You can keep a calm head if you need to remind them of the law, but if there is a problem with the rager behind you or you are a rager yourself, cool heads prevail and you can easily pull yourself off the road and calm down before you head to your final destination. Otherwise, if you join into their antics, you could be charged with reckless endangerment or any other driving violation.