Earl is a great artist who says that God called him to do this job. Earl has just released new music.DC rapper E.A.R.L., is self-taught recording artist and producer. His music is all clean and contains a positive message with no profanity or sexual lyrics. This music is uniting people, and Blasting News got the chance to talk to him via e-mail and find out all the details on his music.

Find out all about Earl

What made you decide that music was your calling? "I did not decide my call was music, God did and by His hands alone he has blessed me with the ability to create music to glorify Him first and extend his glory and kingdom.

I have been saved since 2000 but there were just so many things I was holding on to and fears that I was letting steal literally my life away, I tried to fit into so many molds as to what I thought I was or wanted to be or what others thought I should be and it never gave me a sense of fulfillment. I began to dabble in music and felt a sense of fulfillment but still did not have a true connection or didn't realize it. Those around me started to notice that there seemed to be a unintentional message to the songs I was creating. I began to really feel a draw to music and the creative freedom. That's when fear set in that this was just by chance and that I would eventually lose my ability or style to create music.

I struggled for a while going back and forth and little did I know God had been at work the entire time. I knew my ability to create music was from God but didn't connect that it is for God and who God uniquely created me to be for Him. November 9 2014 in what I thought would be another sermon Sunday routine, God would then change my life forever.

Not only through relating current experiences through the sermon but God alone spoke directly into my heart and knew exactly what had been on my heart for so long and He brought a comfort and peace to areas of brokenness in my life I just could not no matter how hard I tried and God revealed to me that music was not by chance and it was not only my passion, but my purpose and I am to use for His glory first.

If I am to be honest, I didn't feel alive until that day. Not to say I didn't enjoy life but, I was just simply existing, and from that day forward, by Gods power alone, I had a reason to live and to get up and create music for and with a purpose."

Earl explains how his music is bringing people together

"My call is to represent Christ in what would be called " regular or modern, or secular radio " and on " regular tv shows " etc. I feel by Gods power, people can be brought together by, first and foremost salvation. I know that I'm called to break down the barrier of church music and secular music by God working through me. Creating music that would be better known as life music, music that speaks on all subject matters that all people can relate to but instead of the derogatory approach, instead speak on those experiences and subject matters from a Christlike perspective.

You could literally change the dynamic of music and how it is absorbed and influences. I'm not just speaking youth, I'm speaking all people. For people to sing along to a song and then finding out it has hope and love and peace in it. What if we had someone who was on say an MTV awards and ( not to say there aren't artist who do this, but there is a huge void to be filled, and not in a competitive sense) genuinely said that " Only by Gods hands alone I am able, To God alone be all the glory ".

His concerts are not limited to just people that go to church and Earl is reaching all kinds of people. Earl went on to share that his next album will be really honest. This is one that fans do not want to miss. You can check him out on his website Earlofficial.com and get to know more about Earl. It seems like his music is exactly what everyone needs to hear right now.