When it was announced that Republican front runner Donald Trump would address those in attendance at the annual event for American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), many wondered what ramifications would take place. As expected, protesters made their opinion known outside and inside the venue.

Anti-Trump coalition

Shortly after 6:30p.m. local time, thousands anxiously awaited Trumps' AIPAC speech at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. on Monday night. Outside of the arena, hundreds protested Trump's arrival, with one sign reading, "Jews against Trump- because we've seen this before." While the protesters were vocal on the outside of the convention center, those inside took a different approach, as reported on March 21.

Trump received applause from the crowd as he spoke about being a strong supporter of Israel, and his plans to dismantle the recent Iran nuclear deal. Speaking in a well-prepared speech while looking at a teleprompter, the former host of "The Apprentice" laid out his vision for the future relationship between the United States and Israel.

While Trump did have his supporters, others weren't so pleased.

With a packed house, manywalked out during Trump's speech in protest to his alleged "bigotry" and "racism" as Rabbis gathered outside for a religious study. The number reached in the hundreds including those protesting outside the arena, and those who walked out during the speech.

Democratic backlash

Hours before Trump's planned appearance, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton took the stage and gave an impassioned speech at AIPAC. Speaking to the crowd, Clinton didn't mention Trump by name, but was clear in her criticism.

"If you see bigotry, oppose it. If you see violence, condemn it. If you see a bully, stand up to him," Clinton said, saying that a leader should have "steady hands" who doesn't play "coy with white supremacists."

Clinton has been a strong ally of Israel over the years, something that the billionaire real estate mogul has had a mixed record on since the start of his campaign. When asked where he stood on the Israeli-Palestine conflict, the former host of "The Apprentice" recently said he felt "neutral," despite being a supporter of Israel in the past. In explaining his answer, Trump said being neutral was the best way to get a deal done between the two nations.