Eric Garcetti is the former mayor of Los Angeles, California. The office is technically and independent one, but Garcetti is a member of the Democratic Party. His family's name is most likely a fairly familiar one to followers of politics in the region.

While still serving as mayor, Garcetti was nominated by President Joe Biden as the next United States ambassador to India. A diplomatic post that has become one of the most prestigious of its kind over the years. It has been an exceptionally lengthy period of time since the United States has had a permanent ambassador in India.

The last two years or so have seen a series of interim officeholders in the role. But it seems that there will finally be an official ambassador again in the near future.

United States Senate votes to approve Garcetti

Eric Garcetti has been confirmed to be the top U.S. diplomat in India, according to Axios. The vote followed a protracted process after Garcetti was first nominated for the job. He, in fact, had to be nominated twice. The process took so long that the initial nomination expired.

Much of the reasoning for the delay stems from reports coming from officials in Garcetti's administration. More specifically, that he did not do enough, if anything, to address one of his top aide's disturbing behavior.

Garcetti has denied that allegations.

Three Democrats voted against confirming Garcetti, while seven Republicans voted in support of the nomination. As noted by the Los Angeles Times, several senators were also absent. As a result, raising the question of how they would have voted. At least three of the absences were due to health-related matters.

Garcetti was first elected as mayor of Los Angeles in 2013. Democratic incumbent Antonio Villaraigosa was term-limited from running in the election. Garcetti would later easily win re-election in 2017.

In 2001, Garcetti was elected to the Los Angeles City Council. He would go on to win two more terms on the Council. Two years after first joining, he was named its president pro tempore.

Going into 2006, City Council President Alex Padilla left to successfully seek a seat in the California State Senate. Garcetti would become the new president of the City Council.

Padilla has since become a member of the U.S. Senate. He voted in favor of Garcetti's confirmation as ambassador.

A grandson of immigrants from both sides of his family

Eric Garcetti's maternal grandparents were Russian Jewish immigrants. His paternal grandfather was a native of Mexico who eventually settled in the United States. Garcetti's paternal grandmother also emigrated to the U.S. from Mexico. Garcetti has also Italian ancestors.

Eric's father, Gil, was elected to two terms as district attorney of Los Angeles County.

After being defeated for a third term, Alex Padilla appointed him to the City of Los Angeles' ethics commission.

The younger Garcetti received his early education at the UCLA Lab School, followed by what's now Harvard-Westlake School. Later attending Columbia University, the University of Oxford and the London School of Economics.

Garcetti eventually joined the United States Navy. His military career included serving in what was then known as the Information Dominance Corps. He eventually retired from the Navy with the rank of lieutenant.

In 2009, Garcetti married Amy Wakeland. They have a daughter and have fostered at least seven children.