Moldova held their most recent parliamentary election in February. The results were close. Some have called them inconclusive. Parliamentary politics have long been troublesome for the country. It has gone through seven prime ministers in the last ten years.

There were various issues spotlighted during the campaign. Those concerned about social welfare and infrastructure largely voted for left-of-center parties.

Conversely, voters concerned about corruption largely voted right-of-center. There was also a great deal of attention paid to potential international alliances. Balkan Insight reports that pro-European Union and pro-Russia sympathies are almost evenly split. Now, it seems that voters might have to choose all over again this year.

Coalition negotiations have stalled

In essence, three parties hold the balance of power following the election. The PSRM operates on a pro-Russian, socialist and nationalistic platform. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party of Moldova also espouses socialist views but is pro-European Union, rather than Russia.

The third "party" is actually an alliance between two separate political parties, as World Politics Review reports.

These are the Dignity and Truth Platform Party and the Party of Action and Solidarity. Combined, they have become known as ACUM. Their joint platform includes center-right, pro-EU and anti-corruption policies. Also winning seats in parliament was the conservative Sor Party. Notably, the Party of Communists failed to win any seats. It marks the first time since Moldova's independence from the Soviet Union that the party was shut out.

Any combination of the PSRM, the Democratic Party or ACUM would secure enough seats to form a government. But their vastly different platforms have caused major problems in achieving such a goal.

A deal between ACUM and the Democratic Party seemed unlikely from the start. Hostilities between the two sides are likely too much to overcome. Some progress had been made in negotiations between ACUM and the PSRM. However, this hit a major snag in April. Several PSRM members traveled to Moscow to meet with Russian officials. This renewed concerns for ACUM about the close ties between the PSRM and the Kremlin.

There have been further issues dividing the parties involved. Likely most prominent is their differing policies for selecting the speaker of the parliament. ACUM wants significant reforms to reduce chances of corruption.

The negotiation deadline is getting closer

As things stand, all sides have until July 9 to come up with an agreement.

If none is reached by then, a new election is likely to take place. Moldovan President Igor Dodon has indicated that it would take place in October or November.

Possible delays could come at the hands of the Democratic Party. The party has been staunchly opposed to a new election and would likely go to court over it. After the election results, the party previously sought legal action for coalition negotiations to last 18 months.