Hydrogen bombs are several times more powerful than nuclear missiles, and North Korea plans to load the H-bomb on its intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). In recent times, Kim Jong Un has been testing his missiles at regular intervals, and some of them have been failures, but that has not affected his programs. There were rumors that he had chemical weapons in his inventory and now the H-Bomb is added to the list. Since it is a very secretive country and entry of outsiders is restricted, it is difficult to verify the claims.
The only evidence available of activities related to missile launch is based on images obtained from satellites that maintain a constant vigil over North Korea.
This is a measure taken to issue alerts as and when necessary, especially when unnatural or suspicious movements are detected on the ground.
Hydrogen bomb enters the scene
According to New York Times, Pyongyang has developed a Hydrogen Bomb that is a more deadly weapon. The only evidence provided in support of its claim are photos of Kim Jong Un and the so-called weapon. It seems North Korea wants to mount one of these bombs on an ICBM and target America.
In January 2016 Pyongyang is believed to have tested its first hydrogen bomb. In the opinion of experts, the explosive yield of the bomb was far less than what such a device can produce. It had launched a Hwasong-14 missile in late July that could reach the United States which is a matter of concern.
However, there is no confirmation on whether Kim’s men have mastered the re-entry technology which is necessary to ensure that the nuclear warhead does not burn during re-entry.
A new dimension is added
President Donald Trump has discussed the latest situation with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan, and fresh strategies would have to be worked out to take care of fresh threats.
It is common knowledge that North Korea is pursuing its missile and nuclear tests in spite of UN sanctions and global condemnation. Ever since Kim Jong Un came to power in 2011, the country has conducted 14 missile tests, and reports indicate that performance of the weapons are improving and the hydrogen bomb adds a new dimension.
The Korean peninsula is tense and loaded with ingredients that could give rise to the point of no return unless actions are taken to defuse the situation. It is not an issue between only the United States and North Korea but an issue that could have far reaching implications. It is necessary for all concerned leaders to tackle the problem and not remain on the sidelines as spectators because delays could be costly.