With only seven months remaining before the next general elections in Kenya, the formation of a united opposition party (NASA) is an indication that the East Africa economic powerhouse is ready to follow in the footpath of Nigeria, Ghana and now the Gambia in ending corrupt leadership and massive corruption that has engulfed Kenya for decades.
Tribal politics rife in Kenya
For Over fifty years since Kenya attained her independence many local communities have been politically sidelined. This has resulted in irregular economic development where only those regions perceived to be government friendly have benefited from government programs while those in the opposition have been ignored.
Many political analysts agree that the country has long been dominated by tribal politics, a move that has been acutely detrimental in the growth of the economy as well as national integration. The formation of a united opposition party that aims to bring together almost all the Kenyan communities may signal for the first time the will of the political class to bring together the more than forty two tribes.
Massive corruption in government
The current government came into office in 2013 with the promise to end corruption as well as address the rising unemployment. The available data however indicate that the Kenyan government has irredeemably failed to create jobs for millions languishing in abject poverty.
The world the bank report on Kenya’s economic development further indicates that most of the jobs the government has been able to create are in the informal sector as well as other low productivity jobs.
Even as the government kicks off massive voter registration in readiness for the August elections, millions of Kenyans feel utterly disillusioned at the slow pace at which the incumbent government has implemented its manifesto especially in fighting massive corruption in ministries and other government agencies.
Doctors and lecturers on strike
It’s now over a month and doctors are still on strike. University dons have also threatened to follow suit if the government does not pay them the agreed pack. Kenya’s main opposition leader Raila Odinga has persistently decried the failure of the government to address the existing inequalities by better remunerating doctors and university lecturers as unacceptable failures of the present regime.
Government corruption is also at its historical peak. Despite loss of millions from government coffers, the Kenyan government has not successfully prosecuted a single suspect involved in mega scandals like the National Youth Service and the Euro-bond. According to the opposition party, the government has endeavored to maintain a status quo where the rich not only steal public money but also get away with impunity.
It is the electioneering year once again and the world is watching not only to ensure there will are credible elections but also to see how politicians re-align in readiness for August showdown. However, the errors and obvious miscalculations of the present regime may perfectly work to inspire the newly formed National Super Alliance party (NASA) to form the next government.