Ericsson is a multinational networking and telecommunications company headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. Their researchers had a clear vision of what they wanted 5G to look like in 2011. The company threw themselves into the work of creating 5G testbeds with leading operators around the world. In 2017, Ericsson filed a foundation application and gathered 130 inventors; the largest ever in the world, to focus on all aspects of deploying an end-to-end system in the 5G standardization process. In order to advance their goals, they developed an infrastructure model with the option to change and improve individual sections.

Today Ericsson has worked itself to the forefront of closing the gap of wide-scale deployment of 5G.

Smart factory to be built

On Wednesday, Ericsson announced the company is going ahead with a plan to build a state-of-the-art 5G factory within the US. that will initially employ about 100 people. Although no location information was available, the plan is to open the factory next year. The factory will build 5G radios, elements used in phones and other devices that send and receive the 4G and 5G signal. Ericsson stated the factory will include automated warehouses, packing and product handling, and the use of autonomous carts. The plan is to operate the factory using industrial 5G technology in order to connect machines and sensors, along with cloud analytics programs.

5G investments to pay off

According to Ericsson's latest mobility report, between Q1 2018 and Q1 2019, mobile data traffic grew 82 percent and is expected to grow annually by 30 percent. The report projected that by the end of 2019 there will be over 10 million 5G subscriptions worldwide. Ericsson is already helping to build 5G networks with several smartphone companies; like Verizon, At&T, and Sprint.

The new factory will produce Advanced Antenna System radios that will enable rapid large scale deployments in 4G and 5G mobile networks for both rural and urban coverage. This will also enhance their global supply chain and help them to continue to work closely with their customers throughout the world. They are also quickly introducing the next-generation of modular and flexible production setups in their factories in Estonia, China, and Brazil.

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai applauded Ericsson for opening a factory and building 5G equipment in the United States. He stated that it will help to rapidly roll-out the next generation of connectivity in the United States. As 5G devices increase in usage the more opportunities are open to companies to optimize their services. Ericsson will not only see growth but will now be able to put the 'Made in America' stamp on their products.