Samsung unveiled its Galaxy Note 8 phablet on August 23 at its “Unpacked” event. It’s been hardly three weeks since its official unveiling, but the smartphone is already such a major hit. Instead of sitting back and enjoying its achievement, the company now appears to have begun work on next year’s launches. According to a report by Associated Press, Samsung confirmed that it’s working on developing the Foldable technology. The firm further added that they plan on debuting it next year itself. If things go as planned, it’s possible that next year’s Note phablet might pack a foldable design.
What company has to say?
The Verge reported Samsung's President (Mobile Business), Dongjin Koh as saying that the South-Korean giant is going to launch a smartphone that will feature a bendable display. He also further confirmed that 2018’s Note lineup would most possibly come included with it. He also added that there are still a lot of problems that Samsung needs to overcome first. If these issues aren’t resolved with time, then its premiere date might be pushed forward. “We are digging thoroughly into several issues we must overcome, as we don’t want just to make a few, sell a few and be done,” he said.
Samsung's 'Infinity Display'
The company has been doing wonders as far as displays are concerned.
They introduced the new “Infinity Display” concept with Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus. By making use of flexible OLED panels, they were able to deliver a real-life-like experience. Rumors regarding Samsung’s plans with regards to foldable displays have been around for almost a year now. But this is the first time that Samsung has given an official comment regarding this matter.
The company has already begun mass production of OLED displays for next year. These are apparently being produced for smartphones that will feature dual-screens. The company has already started work on Galaxy S9 as well.
Samsung plans on bringing its 2018 flagship a month earlier. If all goes in their favor, then they will probably launch Galaxy S9 in January.
The smartphones will be put on sale by February. This will give Samsung an upper hand over rest of the companies. Consumers won’t even get a chance to compare the Samsung handset with the rest. As far as the specifications of the device are concerned, the model will pack Snapdragon 845 chipset, a dual rear camera setup, bezel-less display, and Android Oreo right-out-of-the-box.