Microsoft launched the successor to Surface Pro 4 in May 2017. The company called it, “Surface Pro,” and claimed that it came equipped with all the possible modern-day features. According to a report by Tech Radar, some rumors claim that Microsoft is planning to introduce new Surface devices. They are expected to hold an event sometime towards the end of October (possibly October 31) wherein they will take the wraps off Surface Pro 5. The device expected to compete with Apple MacBook Pro and MacBook Air.
Windows 10 powered
Microsoft introduced its Windows 10 Creators Update back in March 2016.
It is pretty obvious that any product launched by the company after that would come featuring Windows 10 (Creators Update). The software update this time is more focused on facilitating the requirements of gamers and designers. It would be a fruitful addition to Surface Pro 5 if it were to pack Windows 10 Creators Update with all the possible security patches. Microsoft (Windows) President, Panos Panay is expected to launch an LTE version of Pro 5 at their scheduled “Future Decoded” event next month.
Prices fluctuate
Surface products usually experience fluctuations in terms of prices. The Surface Pro which was launched back in May this year is available for a starting price of $799. The device only packs minor updates in comparison to its predecessor.
Pro 5, on the other hand, will come with major enhancements. Therefore, it is safe to assume that the price of it will also be higher than what the Surface Pro is costing.
Intel’s latest Kaby Lake processor
Prolific leaker and Microsoft expert, Paul Thurrott took to Twitter last month, to reveal that Pro 5 will be powered by Intel’s latest seventh-generation Kaby Lake processor.
The device will also include Surface Connect charger, which will reduce the charging speed in half. The Surface Pro is also speculated to come with a longer battery life. The laptop probably won’t consist of a USB Type-C port. It remains to be seen what data transfer method Microsoft will provide to its consumers.
No design overhaul
VentureBeat published a leak that carried alleged press renders, showcasing Surface Pro 5 in full glory. By the information provided through the images, Pro 5 is not going to pack any design overhaul. They will carry the Pro 4 look ahead. The company is only focusing on its performance refinement for now. Stay tuned for more..