Apple announced iOS 11 at its WWDC conference in June. The beta version of it was made available to its developers. No information on when the update would be rolled out in its final form had been made available by the company. As noted by Tech Radar, it was believed that it would be at the same time as when they launch the iPhone 8. The company on September 1 began to send out press invites for an event held on the 12th September at Steve Jobs Theatre, California. Now, it is being speculated that iOS 11 will be rolled out as early as Wednesday, September 13.
The software update is going to bring about certain revolutionary changes for both the iPhone and iPad.
Multitasking to become easier
iOS 11 is going to feature all the dock settings that are available on MacBook and iMacs. Since an increasing number of users are switching to iPads over laptops, it makes sense for them to give them access to desktop-like features. This will make it much easier for users to switch between two apps at the same time. The addition of dock setting will greatly improve one’s iPad experience if nothing else.
Augmented Reality becomes mobile
augmented reality (AR) technology is gaining greater control over the technology market these days. Apple plans on bringing an-all-encompassing experience of it to its iPhone.
This is expected to provide AR a great boost too, especially given the millions of global iPhone users. The iOS 11 packs an AR Kit that has enabled developers to create their app on the basis of the modern-day technology. It is also speculated that the iPhone’s camera specifications will also be influenced by the addition of this kit.
Apple Pencil revamped
Apple’s digital pen is handy, especially for professionals such as graphic designers. iOS 11 comes with several new settings such as Instant Markup, Instant Notes, Document Scanner, and several other keyboard shortcuts, which will generally make working with Pencil an easy experience. Instant Markup allows users to edit, draw or make changes to PDFs, photos.
Users can jot down quick notes on Instant Notes, which get saved automatically. As the name suggests, Document Scanner allows users to scan, crop edges and even remove disturbances from the image. Apple has even included numerous tweaks to the keyboard shortcuts with a better combination of letter keys, numbers, symbols and punctuation marks. Customers have to wait a bit more for the Operating System.