As the month of September inches closer, the rumors and speculations regarding Apple’s premium category iPhone 8 smartphone are increasing in number. The latest leak regarding the 10th-anniversary Apple device suggests that the smartphone might be introduced in three primary color variants. The company has decided to do away with the ‘Rose gold’ color variant; however, to compensate for the missing color variant, the Cupertino technology giant is apparently planning on introducing a new shade of gold – a kind that hasn’t been seen before.
Leaks regarding the phone
The latest leak can be sourced all the way to prolific leakster, Benjamin Geskin who recently took to the official Chinese social networking website, Weibo to post this prediction. According to him, the iPhone 8 will come in a new ‘Blush Gold’ color. ‘Blush Gold’ is believed to be an internal name provided for the iPhone 8. However, there are chances that the smartphone might be called by another name following the official announcement Tech Radar reports.
The company is also planning on adding the same color variants to its iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus smartphones as well. According to his speculation, the iPhone 8 will also be made available in a new Black and Silver color variant.
However, this information has not been confirmed by the company as yet so it is not certain that there is any truth at to them at this time.
Price of the flagship plus specs and features
Apple is expected to launch its much-awaited iPhone 8 device next month. The smartphone is scheduled to arrive with a price-tag of $1,000. If this really is the price, then the high-end smartphone will be just as expensive as the Apple MacBook Pro laptop.
Other leaks have claimed that the device is going to be built out of glass. It seems that the smartphone will probably also have a dual rear camera setup as well.
Forbes suggested that the device will also come along with something called as the 3D face scanning situated on the front panel. Apart from this, the smartphone is also expected to feature an under-the-display Touch ID system, so it is safe to assume that Apple will be eliminating the physical home button as well, making the iPhone 8 a completely bezel-less smartphone.
The device will fall in direct competition with other leading flagship smartphones including Samsung Galaxy Note 8 and Google’s upcoming Pixel 2 and Pixel XL smartphones. Stay tuned for more updates and rumors about technology.