Samsung has launched the Galaxy Note 8 and fans are coming up with many questions regarding the safety and security of the battery in the latest phablet. In 2016, Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 was touted to be the next big thing, but within days it suffered some severe issues with overheating and explosions.
In a bid to ensure that the latest handset does not suffer from battery overheating issues, the company has devised an extensive 8-point test for the device's batteries.
In case of the Galaxy Note 8 though, the company is not taking any chances. The latest phablet comes with a 3,000 mAh battery leading smartphone fans to wonder if the device will last a single day on one charge. Samsung Mobile boss Koh Dong-Jin recently answered some questions regarding the battery in the Galaxy Note 8.
What did Koh say?
Koh revealed that even though the battery capacity has been decreased in the latest entry as compared to last year's Galaxy Note 7, users will likely feel no difference when it comes to the backup that a single charge will allow. The executive revealed that due to the 10nm chipsets powering the handset, power efficiency has increased by almost 30 percent when compared to the earlier 14nm chipsets.
This increase in efficiency will allow for more battery life to be saved and also allow the handset to run longer.
Koh also said that with this new device, he can guarantee the safety of the battery. This means that the company is almost sure that the handsets will no longer explode or overheat. The company's mobile Boss also revealed that the battery in the Galaxy Note 8 will be able to retain 95 percent of its power even after two years of usage. While these are impressive and may be cool new features introduced to keep the battery safe, does it really translate to a similar Battery Backup as last year's phablet offered?
Battery of the new device as good as its predecessor?
According to the official battery backup numbers released by Samsung, the Galaxy Note 8's battery falls a little short of the numbers that the company released for Galaxy Note 7 last year.
For instance, video playback on the new device will last for 16 hours as compared to 18 hours in the older one. Similarly, LTE browsing can be engaged in for 13 hours in the newer one as opposed to 14 hours in the Note 7. The next-gen Samsung phone is still to reach consumers and only time will tell if the new handset will live up to the expectations and offer same battery backup as its predecessor.