The South-Korean tech giant, Samsung unleashed their Galaxy Tab S2 back in 2015. At that time, the device was launched running on Android Marshmallow 6.0 OS. However, if the latest reports are believed to be true then the tablet has officially received the latest Android Nougat 7.0 OS update. A new online report claims that the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 units that are running on the Verizon network have officially started receiving the latest Android 7.0 Nougat update.
Tab features Android 7.0
According to a report by GSMArena, the latest Android 7.0 Nougat update comes along with a range of new features and security enhancements.
Thanks to the latest update, the tablet will now have an improved user-interface and upgraded features, making the overall Android experience much more fun and exciting. The device’s performance is also expected to improve exponentially. Apart from this, Samsung’s Galaxy Tab S2 — after receiving the latest Android 7.0 Nougat update — will charge much faster than ever before. The primary highlight of the Android 7.0 Nougat, however, is that it comes along with a feature called ‘Doze.’ The Doze function allows users to preserve whatever little battery is left in the tablet.
Interesting features
For instance, if one is running low on battery and has a state of emergency wherein they absolutely need the device to function, they can simply switch the ‘Doze’ function on and can enjoy its ability to juice out as much battery as the system possibly can offer.
The latest update also comes along with the support for the split-screen option. In other words, users will now be able to run multiple applications at the same time and even view two at one period of time.
While Samsung has integrated such a feature before, nothing really beats Google’s solution for the same. There is a specific feature that has been brought to Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 2 (2015) and that is its user interface.
Users will immediately detect the change as soon as the tablet has the latest Android 7.0 Nougat update installed. The user-interface is more simplistic by nature and allows users to understand all the functions without much difficulty.
According to another report by Android Headlines, the latest update is also accompanied by Samsung’s battery management feature update. This allows users to block out all the unnecessary apps when they are not in use. This way, the tablet conserves power and even mobile data, if need be.