Motorola is set to hold a launch event on Tuesday, July 25 and as per rumors, the company is all set to unveil the Moto Z2 Force at the event. The other handset in the Moto Z2 line, the Moto Z2 Play was already launched in June. The Moto Z2 Force is expected to be a high-end smartphone with impressive specs and features. However, according to recent reports, the impending handset may be downgrading its Battery capacity when compared to its predecessor.
Thinner phone at the expense of battery capacity
According to the latest report published by VentureBeat, a source has revealed that the Lenovo-owned company is trying to make the upcoming phone thinner than last year’s model.
However, in trying to do so, Motorola will have to go with a much smaller battery in the handset. This decision is being taken to reduce the bulk of the handset once additional mods are attached to the phone.
The report also mentions that the company has managed to shave off almost a millimeter off the handset regarding thickness. Bear in mind that the company's last year model was a thin enough smartphone as it is. After trimming down the size, the handset can only offer enough space for the company to house a meager 2,730mAh battery, which is almost 22 percent lesser than the 3,500mAh one in its predecessor.
Other features of the device
Most of the phone's improvements over last year’s model are based on the processor and the camera quality, especially in the U.S.
variant of the handset. The next-gen handset could be powered by an octa core Snapdragon 835 chipset, which is an upgrade from the Snapdragon 820 SoC found in the Moto Z Force. The display remains practically the same with the impending handset sporting a 5.5-inch 1,440p Shattershield Super AMOLED display.
The U.S. version of the handset will boast 4 GB of RAM, while globally it will come with 6 GB of RAM.
Similarly, the memory storage in U.S. models will be 64 GB as compared to 128 GB onboard storage in other markets. The upcoming smartphone will run on Android 7.1.1 Nougat and will also receive an update for the impending Android O operating system once it releases.
The Moto Z2 Force will sport dual 12-megapixel cameras on the back instead of the 21-megapixel shooter of its predecessor.
The front camera will still sport a 5-megapixel sensor. Super Black and Fine Gold will be two of the shades in which the smartphone will be available. T-Mobile will also exclusively sell Lunar Grey variant of the handset.