The Lg V10 was released back in 2015 and is a premium smartphone, which featured the latest specs at that time. The device is the predecessor to 2016’s LG V20 and was launched with the Android 5.0 Lollipop on board. However, since then, it has been upgraded to Android Marshmallow and later to Android 7.0 Nougat. However, in the United States, owners of the T-Mobile variant of the handset did not receive the Nougat update yet. The Uncarrier has now revealed that it would now be rolling out the OS update for the LG V10 on its network.
T-Mobile rolling out Android Nougat update to LG V10
LG was quite quick to release the update to the LG V10 and all unlocked variants were able to download the new operating system by May of this year. However, T-Mobile users have been waiting with bated breath for the update to be rolled out to the devices in the network as well. Now, after almost two months of testing and perfecting the Android Nougat update, the Uncarrier will start rolling out the same updates into the handsets.
Aside from the features which are part of the Android Nougat OS, T-Mobile has themselves also added some performance fixes for the handset. The company did not mention what these fixes are at the moment, but owners of the LG V10 may be able to notice the changes wrought by the update.
T-Mobile also did not indicate which security patch the update will introduce into the device.
The update with firmware number H90130b was released by the company on July 19, but should reach fans in some days. As per what the update adds, the carrier elaborates that it will bring various security and performance fixes, along with E911 timer fix to the LG V10.
However, T-Mobile recommends at least 50 percent of the battery charge and more than 1.36 GB of empty space on the device as the update itself weighs around 1.36 GB.
What does Android Nougat bring?
With the Android Nougat OS, the users will be able to open two apps simultaneously on their smartphone, thanks to the multi-window functionality.
This is immensely helpful in terms of multitasking. Apart from this, the newer platform also automatically bundles the large number of notifications that may be cluttering the handset. Users can expand the bundled list to check out the different notifications.
Android Nougat’s Doze feature allows for much more battery saving capability. This means that the handset will shut down all background programs when in placed in an inactive mode. These functions would once again start once the handset is unlocked or woken up. These are just some of the features that the new Android OS brings.