Yesterday, Blasting News, along with other tech outlets, reported on a leaked Geekbench benchmark score thought to be for the iPhone 8. The score was impressive, as it revealed so much power for Apple's next flagsip device. Several benchmark fans were delighted with the result of the benchmark. However, this score was dismissed by Primatelabs.
Fake image
The Geekbench benchmark score revealed that the device got 4537 for its single core score, and 8975 for its multi-core score. It used iOS 11 for its Operating System and an Apple A11 chip at 2.74 GHz for its processor.
Moreover, the image showed that it uses ARM for its processor ID. The device was benchmarked on March 25, 2017. Moreover, the L1 cache is 128 KB, which is two times that of iPhone 7 with Apple A10, and an L1 cache of 64 KB. The score from this benchmark is very interesting, as it exceeded the performance of the recently released Samsung Galaxy S8 using the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor.
John Poole, Primatelabs founder, and Geekbench developer, claimed that the image making the rounds on the Internet are partly photoshopped. In our article yesterday, we emphasized that while the image already showed the result, it is very easy to photoshop images nowadays. There are also several entries that do not appear convincing, although the image itself look legitimate.
Inconsistent factors
First, the iOS 11 from the Cupertino-based tech giant. This latest version, according to sources within the company, is still in the works. In addition, Apple is planning to release its beta version to developers in June 2017, which is two months away. It was also earlier reported that the company is still polishing the features and is hoping to launch it during the WWDC event.
Second, the A11 chip. This chip is the heavily speculated ARM chip from the Cupertino-based tech giant that will be used for the iPhone 8. There have been no reports or even leaks about this chip recently, aside from the fact that TSMC will start its production in April. To release a benchmark for the chip is a little too early, given that it is still under production.
The only confirmed information right now is that its A10X SoC will be used in the iPhone 7S and 7S Plus.
With reports claiming that the release of the next iPhone device from the Cupertino-based tech giant will be delayed, it is understandable why so many people are delighted to see even the benchmark result. We will publish more reports as soon as the information is available.