A new study by Oxford University researchers warned that almost 50 percent of Jobs in the U.S. are at the risk of being performed by robots on computers in the next 20 years. The takeover of jobs has started in a number of industries such as food manufacturing.
According to Moneyish, besides Domino’s Pizza where robots would start to deliver pizzas beginning in summer, there are eight more jobs that are already being performed by robots. These are the actor, jockey, bellhop, bartender, pharmacist, journalist, waiter and soldier.
Tax the robots, Bill Gates proposes
Because of the threat from the humanoids, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates recently proposed taxing the robots that take jobs from humans. The idea is not that far from the proposal of U.S. President Donald Trump to impose a border tax on goods manufactured outside the U.S. The proposal is on top of the Mexican wall plan by Trump to stem the entry of illegal immigrants who also “steal” jobs from American workers.
Gates said the tax on robots would be spent to finance jobs that are more suited for humans, Business Insider reported. These include caring for older people and children. He added that unlike humans, robots would likely not oppose or complain about how high their taxes are.
Robot takeover across professions
However, the jobs that would be lost due to the pizza-making robots would not be in the U.S. yet. It is because the six-wheeled humanoids that travel at four miles an hour and drop the pizza orders within a one-mile radius would be in Domino’s Pizza stores in The Netherlands and Germany, although it is operational in Australia.
But it may not be too long when humanoids replace delivery men in Virginia that passed in early March a law which allowed robots to deliver goods straight to people’s doors. A similar law is pending in Florida and Idaho
The threat to actors comes from the RoboThesbian, a life-sized humanoid that can sing, tell jokes and do impressions.
Small robots weighing only a few pounds have been filmed sitting atop camels at animal races in Abu Dhabi. In Cupertino, Botlr is the bellhop at the Aloft Hotel, while at Royal Caribbean cruise ships, the one making cocktails is a one-armed robot.
Zero error is best argument in favor or AI pharmacist
In San Francisco, during the trial run, the robot doled out 350,000 doses of drugs to patients at a pharmacy with no errors. At the Associated Press, robots now write thousands of stories. In China, a robot waits on customers, while in Japan, some establishments use robots as receptionists.
The robot’s ability to shoot weapons and dismantle bombs could result in humanoid soldiers replacing one-fourth of American combat troops by 2030. There is now a talking tax robot, Turbo Tax, which is hastening the move towards automation. IBM’s Watson Artificial Intelligence has partnered with H&R Block to move towards robotic taxes.