Kareem Hunt might be in a brand new spot of hot water. Rumors have sparked up Monday morning pointing at the Cleveland Browns' running back getting into a bar fight over the weekend. At the moment, the reports don't have much in the way of corroboration but there are several sources looking into the matter. What is clear is that the talk about Hunt getting into trouble over the last few days has spread like wildfire.

What is also known is that if he did get into a fight, it would be another black mark against a player who is already on his "second life" in the NFL.

If the report is true, it would also be another sad story and a step back for a player that has done and said all the right things since joining the Cleveland Browns.

Reports are sketchy

Cleveland radio host Soren Petro was one of the first to start the social media wildfire early Monday morning when he tweeted out, "There is a lot of chatter on Twitter in Cleveland about the possibility of Kareem Hunt having been involved in a bar fight this weekend.

As of right now, we know of no police report. We’ve reached out to people in Cleveland and will let you know if there is anything to the rumors."

The fact that there is no police report could be a good thing. At the very least, it would indicate that if there was a fight, Hunt wasn't involved in such a way that required anyone getting arrested or cited.

Of course, the best news of all could be that there was no bar fight. Kareem Hunt has been a lightning rod since the video of him slugging the woman went public.

It's entirely possible someone is trying to drag the Cleveland Browns running back through the mud. Perhaps they aren't happy he was given a second chance when the Kansas City Chiefs decided to part ways with him.

Perhaps someone just wanted to see whether a rumor could catch fire as much as it has in the few hours since reports first surfaced.

Kareem Hunts redemption tour takes a hit

Since signing with the Cleveland Browns, Hunt has been a model citizen. He's talked about how much he's learned from the incident that could have ended his NFL career if things had fallen just a little bit differently. He has, by all accounts attempted to show that he is a changed person. That's even included getting baptized.

The Browns have been incredibly supportive of the young running back, with coaches attending that baptism. The team knows it has a weapon on its hands if it can keep Hunt on the football field. It appears the front office is also very invested in making sure that he does find redemption and grown from the experience.

If he got into a bar fight, especially if he played a part in the fight starting, it would be a blow for the Cleveland Browns' player, even if his impact this season was already expected to be less than what he saw with the Kansas City Chiefs.