The baseball world was shocked and saddened by the events which took place at Guaranteed Rate Field Friday with White Sox reliever Danny Farquhar, who collapsed in the dugout late in the game. He was taken to Rush hospital immediately and it was discovered that he had suffered a Brain Hemorrhage and was in critical condition. He had emergency surgery this weekend as the tragic news was announced to the public.

After the surgery, it was reported today that Farquhar was still in critical condition, but stable and progressing according to the official White Sox Twitter account. He will be accompanied by his wife and doctors 24/7 at Rush as he is expected to remain there for several weeks. According to the White Sox, he is able to speak and move his extremities which is a promising sign early on in his recovery.

The incident

It was very scary when Farquhar (31) collapsed in the dugout Friday night suddenly in the White Sox's 10-0 loss to the Houston Astros. The score and game immediately became irrelevant after he collapsed.

He did regain consciousness in the dugout as he was taken away to Rush, which led some people to think he just fainted from exhaustion or dehydration. Unfortunately the tests revealed the brain hemorrhage due to an aneurysm rupture and that is when they had to do the emergency surgery. All signs and reports say the surgery was successful and he was very fortunate to be in an acclaimed medical facility like Rush.

Since the news was reported, players and teams alike all sent their thoughts and prayers to Farquhar, his family, and the Chicago White Sox. When the team played this weekend they hung his #43 jersey on the bullpen fence. While it is a long recovery, the early signs of progress are certainly good things to hear.

Hopefully he will continue to progress. The Chicago White Sox will update the public more on Farquhar's progress as time goes on. He is expected to, at minimum, remain at Rush for three more weeks.


Other teams and players showed their support on social media Saturday and Sunday. It was a very emotional time for the entire baseball world, and it showed that no team colors or uniforms mattered when it came to supporting Danny Farquhar. No rivalries or differences between teams could get in the way. The support can hopefully lift the spirits of Farquhar as he recovers, and all that matters is that he can live a full and healthy life.

Thoughts and prayers continue to go out to Danny Farquhar.