The WWE is rumored to be in talks with Hulk Hogan about a possible return to the company. The news of these discussions came from the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, who said that the WWE has just been waiting this out to have Hulk return when they knew that there would be little chance for backlash from the fans. The idea is that the WWE could bring Hogan back as an ambassador for the WWE to represent the company in media events and charitable causes.

The Hulk Hogan controversy

The original Hulk Hogan controversy happened after a sex tape was released with Hulk involved with the wife of his close friend and radio deejay Bubba the Love Sponge. The WWE had little problem with the actual sex tape being released as the company has set a precedence of not punishing performers for personal photos or videos being leaked by hackers.

However, the problems came when Hogan filed a lawsuit against Gawker Media for releasing the video on their website. Somehow, during the lawsuit and legal proceedings, a version of the video with audio was leaked and put online.

That is where the problems took place.

Hulk Hogan wasn't just involved in a sex tape, but he chose this time to vent about his daughter and her music career. Hulk said that he had worked hard to get her media attention and help her get to the point that she had reached and now she was working with someone else and Hogan felt betrayed. Hulk then dropped some racial slurs when talking about his daughter's new associate and that was all it took for the WWE to fire him.

The WWE's position on Hulk Hogan

The reason that the WWE fired Hulk Hogan was that they would not tolerate racial slurs by someone that worked for them. There was some thought last year that the fact that the McMahon's supported Donald Trump's political campaign, and he had made numerous disparaging comments as well, it would ease the company's dissatisfaction with Hulk.

The rumors kicked into high gear when WrestleMania 33 took place in Orlando and Hulk Hogan was in town during the event. However, the WWE chose not to have Hogan return, possibly believing that people would not equate Hogan's slurs to those made by President Trump.

The idea now is that the WWE feels enough time has passed that they can finally bring back Hulk Hogan. According to the sources, the WWE wants to use Hulk as an ambassador and they don't want him spending the time he is out promoting the WWE answering questions about the sex tape.