"The Chronicles of Narnia" is one of the most beloved franchises in the history of the world. The original series of novels was written by Irish-born author C.S. Lewis and released during the 1950s. Lewis drew inspiration from subjects, including his conversion to Christianity and his interest in European mythology for the books. "Narnia" is frequently compared with "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit". Both of which were written by Lewis's friend J.R.R. Tolkien.

There have been several adaptations of the novels over the years. Efforts to develop more as of late have run into several snags.

But word is out that things may finally be rolling along after a lengthy delay.

Gerwig will direct

The Hollywood Reporter and MovieWeb have announced that Greta Gerwig is the new "Narnia" director. Rumors had been circulating before about her possible involvement in a new take on the franchise. But according to recent reports, a deal has been reached between Gerwig and Netflix.

Netflix acquired the rights to formulate further "Narnia" adaptations in 2018. Previously, rights to adapt the book series were divided among multiple holders. At times it seemed Netflix had been gearing toward making a television series out of the source material, with a season for each book. But indicators now point toward Netflix opting for feature films.

Less clear is whether they will aim to release them theatrically. A lucrative market that Netflix has repeatedly expressed interest in becoming a bigger player. Or if they would make their debuts via streaming.

The deal between Netflix and Gerwig is reportedly for at least two Movies. Gerwig previously collaborated with the company as an actress in the 2022 movie "White Noise".

Her other credits as a filmmaker include "Lady Bird", "Little Women", and "Barbie". She received two Oscar nominations for "Lady Bird" and a third for "Little Women".

Perhaps "Little Women" made "Narnia" fans most intrigued by Gerwig's potential spin on the stories. Also based on an iconic novel, the plot heavily features four siblings and their lives during wartime.

Themes should be quite familiar to enthusiasts of "Narnia".

Previous adaptations were highly successful

"The Chronicles of Narnia" focuses on the Pevensie siblings. They are evacuated to the English countryside during the London Blitz. In their new surroundings, they discover a portal to another world. Inhabitants of this world include but are not limited to, talking animals.

The newest live-action versions of "Narnia" are probably the best-known and most successful. Released from 2005 to 2010, the movies were initially dismissed by Walt Disney Pictures. Later on, by 20th Century Fox. Each of the films was among the highest-grossing of their respective release years. The first also won an Oscar and a BAFTA.

Other productions include three from the BBC. Each of them was originally aired on television as a limited series. But all were edited as feature films when released on home video.