"Teen Wolf" aired for several seasons on MTV, becoming a hit with audiences and critics. The television series was based on a pair of movies from the 1980s. And now a new movie, a follow-up to the TV series, is soon to be released.
Although not getting the full theatrical treatment like its predecessors before, "Teen Wolf: The Movie" has gotten significant buzz. Instead, it's set to premiere on Paramount+. The movie is also set to serve as a launching pad for a new series in the franchise. Entitled "Wolf Pack", the new series takes inspiration from a novel by Canadian author Edo van Belkom.
It has also landed an especially fitting star to headline its cast.
Gellar serving as 'Wolf Pack' star and executive producer
Sarah Michelle Gellar has joined "Wolf Pack", as reported by The Hollywood Reporter and Entertainment Weekly. The news broke on July 21 at San Diego Comic-Con. A panel for "Teen Wolf: The Movie" was being held in the event's legendary Hall H. As it would turn out, Gellar was also there. Making a surprise appearance to mark the announcement of her casting.
Gellar coming into the "Teen Wolf" fold hold a special kind of symmetry. She's best known for playing the title character on the television series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". The show aired during the 1990s and 2000s, spanning across runs on The WB and later UPN.
Both of which would later merge to become The CW. It was loosely based on a 1992 movie of the same name.
Parallels between the "Buffy" and "Teen Wolf" franchises can easily be drawn. In each case, the campier-toned movies were not necessarily regarded as cinematic masterpieces. Their ensuing television counterparts would take on different tones.
While still featuring hearty doses of humor, each series also went to darker and more serious places. And also in both cases, the TV versions were considered significant upgrades over what came before.
The similarities are not an accident. The "Teen Wolf" team has openly acknowledged the influence that the "Buffyverse" had on them.
And now Buffy Summers herself is part of the team.
Is playing an arson investigator
Sarah Michelle Gellar will apparently be appearing as the character Kristin Ramsey. Kristin Ramsey is supposed to be an expert arson investigator. She's called upon to look into a wildfire case in the Los Angeles area. One that also has supernatural ramifications.
For her work on "Buffy", she would be nominated for a Golden Globe Award. Her other roles have included appearing in a number of horror movies and a pair of "Scooby-Doo" releases. She had previously starred in the soap opera "All My Children", earning a Daytime Emmy Award.