PL Travers created the character of Mary Poppins in 1935, and the original Disney movie bagged several Oscars way back in 1965 for the story woven around the nanny named “Mary Poppins.” In that movie, Julie Andrews portrayed the title role and in the remake “Mary Poppins Returns” after more than half a century, it will be Emily Blunt as the nanny. The scene in Britain and it is all about children and their childhood where the nanny enters with her own basketful of ideas.
Sky News reports that to get into the mood of the story, Emily Blunt went through all eight books Travers had written on Mary Poppins.
That helped her to understand the nanny better. Until now, it was Julie Andrews and the baton now goes to Emily who describes the film as a "love letter to London." The setting is in iconic locations around London.
The movie is an offering for Christmas
The story revolves around a magical nanny employed by a family in London. She uses music and adventure to win over the children under her care. Speaking on “Mary Poppins Returns,” Emily Mortimer co-star of Emily Blunt likens the movie to "the spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down." She goes on to add that the nanny has a charm of her own and can influence the thought process of others, which is important in the world of today.
As Julie Andrews first suggested, and as Emily Blunt triumphantly confirms in "Mary Poppins Returns," Mary never goes out of style:
— The New Yorker (@NewYorker) December 15, 2018
Meryl Streep (69) is also a part of “Mary Poppins Returns.” Streep, a three-time Oscar winner, plays the role of Mary’s eccentric cousin and describes the film as "a gift at a needful time".
Lin-Manuel Miranda (38) is in the role of Jack who had to "dance with penguins and climb buildings". The audience at the Oscars saw a trailer of the Walt Disney movie. It is a great offering at Christmas and will be in cinemas on Friday 21 December.
Dick Van Dyke’s cameo in ‘Mary Poppins Returns’
People adds that 93-year-old Dick Van Dyke does a cameo in “Mary Poppins Returns.” He was in the original and returned in the sequel with his chimney-sweep dance.
While Emily Blunt and Lin-Manuel Miranda are newcomers, the legendary Dick Van Dyke is in his 90s and did not hesitate to put on his dancing shoes again to steal the show. He jumped on top of a desk to do the dance number. He admits that the concept of a sequel after a lapse of 54 years did not initially appeal to him. However, he is happy to have done the cameo and looks at it as a chance to pay respect to the original. Incidentally, there was an offer to Julie Andrews to do a cameo in “Mary Poppins Returns” like Dick van Dyke but she did not agree.