Shanti Lowry is an actress who is known for “Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle” and “The Game” which is a popular television series. Shanti was born in Colorado and now travels to various locations to film her projects. Her most recent role is that of Yolando in “Bronx SIU,” a gritty new police series airing on UMC and Amazon Prime.

Shanti Lowry recently discussed her life, career, and more via an exclusive interview conducted on July 23, 2018.

Acting, characters, and fans

Meagan Meehan (MM): Was acting always the goal?

Shanti Lowry (SL): My mother jokes that I was born an artist. I’ve always loved all forms of art. But I think the largest influence in me becoming an actress was living through a difficult childhood. Becoming someone other than yourself for a moment can be very alluring. And even healing. Anyone who knows me well knows that at heart I am a nerd. I love to study/learn anything, lol. So yes, I’ve studied and continue to study acting techniques.

MM: So, Shanti, what do you consider as having been your big break?

SL: I would probably consider my big break being cast as Dionne on the CW/BETs “The Game.” The fans have been incredibly loyal.

MM: How did you get involved in “Bronx SIU”?

SL: Dan Garcia, the writer and executive producer of Bronx SIU, actually wrote the role of Yolanda for me. “Bronx SIU” is a gritty and raw street drama that focuses on the far-from-perfect heroes that keep the Bronx safe.

MM: And what about the character of Yolanda, what is she like?

SL: Yolanda Rodriguez is a fighter. Not only because she throws a mean elbow to the face but also because she’s been fighting one force or another her whole life. She has the heart of a hero but the demons of a villain.

Industry, advice, and stories

MM: What’s the best thing about working in this industry and what is coming up next for you over the coming years?

SL: I feel beyond fortunate to be able to find work in this competitive industry.

My hope is that in the next decade we will see more women of color behind the camera writing, producing and directing stories that move and touch in a whole new way. I know I’d love to be a part of that wave. I’m waiting for season six of my Bounce channel sitcom “Family Time” to start airing, as well as prepping two feature films as an actress and I created, am producing and am starring in a new dance sitcom called “Stuck Together” for the New Kingdom.

MM: Any advice for those budding actors out there?

SL: The entertainment industry is exactly what everyone says it is - grueling, brutal, glamorous, extravagant, fast-paced, slow-moving, full of no’s, full of possibilities... it’s all of these things. In equal parts. So, if you choose to enter the business do it because you love the work. Period.