On Friday morning, Iyanla Vanzant was a guest on the "Tom Joyner Morning Show" (TJMS) where she discussed the guests whose lives she tries to fix on season 5 of 'Iyanla: Fix My Life.' The kickoff episode of the new season features 19-year-old Kamiyah Mobley, an abducted child who was reared to believe that her kidnapper was her mother. But the hosts of the show asked Iyanla how she would fix Donald Trump if the opportunity would ever arise. She said that he would have to make the first move.
You have to ask for help
Iyanla said that every season, she and her producers decide which topics they want to address on the show and then choose their guests, as reported by BlackAmericaWeb.com.
But the healing guru revealed to the "TJMS" crew that 95 percent of the people in the potential guest pool write to her asking for help.
According to an interview Iyanla did with Madamenoire, Mobley came to the show willingly but needed an emotional breakthrough just to get in touch with the pain she had been harboring. In order for Donald Trump to get "fixed," he would have to be a willing participant. There are some pretty interesting examples of what can happen when a guest doesn't commit to the process.
Karrueche Tran's appearance on the show was an example of what happens when maintaining a guest's image is more important than getting help. Iyanla said that singer Chris Brown's ex-girlfriend had a manager who wanted to paint the picture that Tran had no problems in spite of being beaten by Brown.
He intervened and stopped the interview because there were certain truths about her that he did not want to be aired. Iyanla said that rumors of Tran feeling like she was bullied on the show came from her manager and were categorically untrue.
Guests are offered lots of support
Iyanla doesn't just leave her guests alone to work out their problems after the show is taped and airs.
For example, Olympic figure skater and Bronze medalist Debi Thomas refused the help that was offered to her and her drug-addicted boyfriend Jamie. The former orthopedic surgeon was divorced, broke, and living in Jamie's trailer when she appeared on the show. "Fix My Life" sent Jamie to rehab which he left after just two weeks.
Thomas gave up the apartment in Chicago provided to her by the show and reunited with Jamie.
The show offers counseling and medical help. Iyanla also reconnects with each guest before their episodes are televised to prepare them for what to expect afterwards. The expectation is that the work to heal themselves must continue. Lifelong problems cannot be solved in one episode.
Can Donald Trump be fixed?
Vanzant thinks so. There has been much talk in recent years about the president's mental health. An article that appeared in The Atlantic in June 2016 called "The Mind of Donald Trump" took a close look at his mental state. The mental health professionals consulted for the article decided that Trump's narcissism, grandiosity, and disagreeableness drive his decision-making, verbal commentary, and tweets.
These are qualities that don't typically fare well on "Fix My Life" unless the guest wants to make positive changes. The question for Iyanla Vanzant is whether or not Donald Trump actually wants to do that.