In case you didn’t know, the Duggar family are known somewhat to be a bit of a thrifty family, as they have a whole bunch of financial tips that they share with fans. For instance, they shop at thrift stores and even garage sales. Now, that may surprise some of you readers, as the Duggar family are very well off financially, but their mantra is “Buy used, save the difference.” However, the family may shop at garage sales, but that doesn’t stop them from owning their own private planes. Yes, you heard me right, this rather controversial family actually spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on planes but loves to buy used items to save money.

What is the deal with the Duggar family and planes?

As mentioned above, the Duggar family go to garage sales to save money but then spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on owning their own fleet of planes. John-David, who is considered the pilot of the Duggar family, got his first plane purchased for him by his father Jim Bob after he was certified to fly a plane. The aircraft that was purchased for him was a Cirrus SR22, which, in 2014, cost approximately $764,900 new.

However, judging from the family's financial history, he probably bought him a used one which would in turn cost around $200,000. John-David is not actually the only pilot in the family, as last we heard, Josiah was getting his license, and also, in-law Austin Forsyth is a pilot by profession.

Well, now the family apparently own four different private planes and even have their own co-operation, Duggar Aviation LLC, which is licensed in Springdale, Arkansas. Now, to do the math, a high price for a private plane is around $895,000, while a lower priced plane would be around $200,000. Which would mean that the average price would be $597,000.

If the family owns at least 6 planes, it would mean that they have spent anywhere in the ballpark of $3,282,000 just on planes.

What else is going on with the Duggar family these days?

The Duggar family have been a very busy family recently as the new season of their TLC reality television series “Counting On” just recently started to air, and it is full of drama.

For instance, this season could deal with what the consequences were of Jill Duggar’s husband Derick Dillard being fired from the series after he made transphobic comments about fellow TLC star Jazz Jennings.

To keep up with all things Duggar-related be sure to follow them on their social media accounts, and watch their television show “Counting On” as well.