Carson Daly, a co-host on the "Today Show," a presenter on "The Voice" and former host of the popular MTV show "Total Request Live," opened up about his struggles with anxiety and panic attacks. Daly says he was inspired by NBA star, Kevin Love's own story of his struggles with anxiety and panic attacks.
What Caused Carson Daly's Panic Attacks and Anxiety?
Daly says, "I was a worry wort kid. I was always worrying. I'd been nervous my whole life." Daly's father passed away when Daly was just five-years-old and he developed an ulcer in high school.
Daly recalls his first panic attack, "My very first panic attack happened, and by the way, I didn't know what it was at the time, happened when I was a host at MTV." Daly sites his move from California to New York City and the huge success of the show, playing a hand in his anxiety and panic attacks getting worse. He says he was terrified for seemingly no apparent reason and didn't know what was wrong with him.
His attacks became so bad that he says that he felt like, "there is a saber tooth tiger right here, and it is going to kill me, attack me." Daly's worsening attacks even caused him to go to the hospital. He recalls, “You feel like you’re dying." While in the hospital, his anxiety and panic heightened because he felt as if he were going to have a heart attack.
His irrational fear proved to be panic and anxiety and there was nothing physically wrong with him.
That didn't make Daly feel better because he thought what he was feeling wasn't normal. But talking to a friend helped show him that what he was feeling wasn't out of the ordinary or unusual.
"What helped me is talking to a friend once who said, everything you’re experiencing I have too.
Daly says his friend encouraged him to talk with someone about what he was feeling.
Even today, he still has days where he's anxious. He notes that the on set of the "Today Show" or backstage on "The Voice," that he fidgets and is, "never still."
Daly talks about how people can be dismissive of his anxiety because he's in a high pressured environment.
But according to him, that doesn't matter. He says, "I've had heightened anxiety and mild panic attacks at the playground with my own children and wife there. The feeling was so gripping and so terrifying that literally, I had to leave and excuse myself.”
Therapy Techniques And Embracing His Disorder
Daly admits that he has tried different techniques to help him cope. But even in those times, he still suffers under the weight of panic and anxiety. He recalls riding his motorcycle cross-country to help him relax but says he still suffered from panic attacks, even then.
Although panic disorder and anxiety can be a huge burden, Daly chooses to embrace who he is, saying, "This Is the way I was born, this is the way I was hardwired.
It's a downside to the way God made me," he admits he sees the good side of what he is going through and that it has a "tremendous upside" to it.
General anxiety and panic disorder has made Daly very sensitive and it also has heightened his love for music, "music moves me in a very visceral way." Soul music is especially moving for him and makes him feel better. Being with his family also helps him cope, "When I'm with my family and it's a euphoric moment." Daly says he feels so much love, empathy, and compassion when he's with his family and that proves to be very helpful in dealing with the disorder.
He admits that he doesn't walk around every day a nervous wreck and doesn't want people freaking out because he suffers from this.
He wants everyone to know that he's okay and getting the help that he needs.
Daly reveals that cognitive therapy has been a saving grace. He says someone had to teach him the model for anxiety so he can have a better understanding of where it stems from and what he can use to cope with it.
He says that the muscle retention and relaxation method is one of the tools that has helped him. But Daly is getting better and has fully embraced the disorder, "I mean, I really wear the way I am like a badge of honor. This is who I am and I'm proud of it."