“Young & Pregnant” is MTV’s latest spinoff of the Teen Mom franchise and tells the story of five young women, handling unexpected pregnancies, while also involved in often difficult relationships with the father of their child. One of them, Brianna Jaramillo, opened up to People recently about her life and struggles and that her latest boyfriend is transgender.

Brianna's son was born with a disability

Brianna became pregnant at the age of 17 and gave birth to a son who was missing his left forearm and his hand. Now Braeson is six months of age, she told People that she was shocked when her baby was born, but since then would not change a thing about her baby boy.

She said it was hard to hear the news of his disability and that her child would grow up, realizing he was different from others. However, Brianna, now 18, said that talking with her doctor about his disability made it easier for her to handle and that she realized the disability would not slow Braeson down.

Jaramillo said he would be able to handle the situation as he was born that way, adding that it is not like he had his left arm and then lost it. He will be able to handle everything with his right arm with no problem.

Watch Brianna and Danae speak about their relationship in the video below.

Transgender boyfriend supports Brianna Jaramillo

Her boyfriend Danae is not Braeson’s father, but supported her when she fell pregnant by her previous boyfriend.

They have had an on and off relationship for three years, but it turns out Danae is the in process of transitioning from being a woman to a transgender man. On “Young & Pregnant,” Brianna said that Danae has vowed to help raise and love her son as if he was his own. Danae said on the premiere of the show that with him being transgender, he is able to show Braeson how much more there is to this world.

Danae's family accepts his transgender state but struggles

During the episode of “Young & Pregnant” Monday, Robin, Danae’s mother and his sister, Cierra visited from their home in Chicago.

Robin seems to be totally accepting of Danae’s change, but she did sometimes mix up the “him and her” pronouns. Danae said to her that everybody on the show is using the term “he,” asking her to please refer to him as the transgender male he now is. He said he prefers male pronouns.

Speaking to People, Brianna explained that it is hard for Danae to understand the problem, because she is his mother. She went on to say she feels many LGBTQ and transgender people have problems with their family relationships, because it takes time for them to adjust and get used to the idea.

Watch the continuing story on the “Teen Mom” spinoff, “Young & Pregnant" each Monday on MTV at 10 p.m. ET.