Comedian John Oliver may be British, but is well known for openly criticizing his home country on a regular basis on his show "Last Week Tonight." Oliver appeared on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" Wednesday night and spoke on several subjects, including Nancy Pelosi, President Donald Trump's request for a military parade and the upcoming royal wedding. Oliver went on to warn Meghan Markle that she was making a huge mistake marrying Prince Harry and becoming part of Britain's royal family.

Donald Trump and the military parade

When speaking of Trump's request for a military parade, Colbert said the UK had military parades, right? Oliver joked well, yes, they had military parades across India. Speaking of the military parade Trump saw in France, Oliver joked, saying he didn't want to criticize France's military, but that the French could have put up more of a fight in the past. Oliver went on to say the idea of a US military parade was an "odd thing," and went on to say Trump is going to watch the upcoming Royal Wedding and say, "I want one of those, sorry Melania, it's time."

Upcoming royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Colbert went on to say to Oliver that, being British, he must be really excited about the royal wedding, to which John replied, "No." Colbert said, but he's got to be excited.

Prince Harry is a Brit, marrying an American, pointing out that Oliver also married an American wife.

He asked Oliver if he had any tips for Harry. Oliver said he wouldn't blame Markle if she pulled out of the wedding at the last minute. He pointed out that you don't just have to have seen the pilot episode of "The Crown" to get a sense that Meghan could be marrying into a family that could cause her "emotional complications."

John Oliver’s opinions of the young royals

Colbert went on to say that the current generation of royals seem to be "nice people," to which Oliver replied "Yes," but went on to call the young royals, "An emotionally stunted group of fundamentally flawed people doing a very silly pseudo job."

Oliver went on to say that he hopes Markle likes it, but that it's going to be weird for her.

He said that as a commoner, he would never marry into the royal family, going on to say that he wouldn't actually be welcomed by the royals, especially after what he just said.

Has John Oliver received a knighthood?

Colbert asked Oliver if he had received a knighthood, to which John replied that he could theoretically get one, but the Queen is probably ripping up the knighthood as they spoke, saying, "There we go, insolent little b*stard," saying he's not coming now. Oliver was then asked his reaction when he saw other performers receiving a knighthood, to which John replied that he found it weird to kneel in front of another adult. Oliver said historically you have seen people kneeling and kissing the ring but that the whole thing is odd.

Colbert couldn't resist picking up on his words, asking if "kiss the ring" means something different in England. John went on to say that historically the prime minister had to have tea with the king each week, ending by "puckering up" and kissing his royal highness on his "exposed a**hole." He went on to ask Colbert if he thought that got him his invitation back. Colbert called that "high tea," with Oliver saying they don't get much higher.

Enjoy the full clip of Oliver’s interview with Colbert in the video below.