"A Charlie Brown Christmas" has been a holiday staple since it first aired on CBS, December 9, 1965. For 52 years the heartwarming exchange between Charlie and Linus has touched the hearts of baby boomers and even younger generations. This Holiday classic almost did not make it because network executives did not want Linus to quote the Christmas story from Luke chapter 2. Charlies Shultz stood his ground and now the animated program has been on television for more than half a century. This beloved cartoon, now on ABC is the highlight each year for those who look forward to its return.
Even with modern technology, many thousands continue to watch it on TV.
— Cheryl E Preston (@CherylPreston58) December 9, 2017
The classic cartoon remains a favorite
In spite of DVD, Blue Ray, and streaming television, for many, it's not truly the holiday season until they have watched "A Charlie Brown Christmas" on network television. One of the highlights is when Charlie Brown is trying to direct the play and the children are not listening and they break out into dancing. Those moves are mimicked by people even today.
This annual classic cartoon about the little tree is touching on so many levels. Charlie Brown is misunderstood and mistreated in almost every situation, but his mocked Christmas tree ends up being beautiful.
In "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown," Charlie is called a blockhead and his noggin gets used as a model for a pumpkin. Lucy tricks him into trying to kick the football and yanks it from underneath him, watching as he falls. In the holiday classic, he is mocked because of the little tree he picked out but in the end, even Lucy admits his choice was a wise one.
— Cheryl E Preston (@CherylPreston58) December 9, 2017
— Cheryl E Preston (@CherylPreston58) December 9, 2017
The real meaning of Christmas explained
The most important moment of the cartoon classic for a number of people comes when Charlie Brown becomes exasperated at what Snoopy and the other children because of the way they are commercializing the holiday.
He is also hurt that his little tree has been rejected. In frustration, he shouts "Isn't there anyone who can tell me the meaning of Christmas"? Linus, standing beside him on stage, replies that he knows the real meaning of the holiday. He says "Lights please," and when the spotlight hits him he begins to recite the scripture from Luke chapter 2 that tells of the birth of Christ.
— Cheryl E Preston (@CherylPreston58) December 9, 2017
The lines from scripture that so many wait to hear each December are the very ones the network executives did not want included. For these many years, his animated cartoon has remained intact without anything being edited out. Prayer has been taken out of public schools, and displays of the ten commandments have been removed from government property in many locations, but "A Charlie Brown Christmas" has withstood the test of time and changing values.
— Cheryl E Preston (@CherylPreston58) December 9, 2017