Ten years ago, comedian Tig Notaro was beloved for her absurd, alternative silliness. She had a dry deadpan delivery that beautifully framed her whimsy. After surviving a tenuous struggle with cancer (amidst other health complications) in 2012, Tig became wildly renowned for her bravery, openness, and willingness to discuss the horrible things that had happened to her in a way that not only made audiences laugh, but also helped people.
'One Mississippi' showcased her honest bravery
Season one of "One Mississippi" focused primarily on Tig's relationship with her mother, and the painful ramifications of her tragic demise.
Season one ends with Tig deciding to stay in Mississippi with her family. Tig's main excuse for staying is to work on a local radio show with her producer Kate (played by Tig's real life wife Stephanie Allynne) with whom Tig developed an immediate connection.
Season Two of "One Mississippi" is at times reminiscent of a romantic comedy, (but a good one, not a cheesy sexist one.) Tig and Kate's chemistry is adorable and palpable. At one point Kate sets Tig up on a date with a friend, and that quickly fails because of jealousy when Tig accepts the date. These sort of shenanigans really hammer home the "will they or won't they" element. Because Kate's character so directly parallels Allynne, it's easy as a viewer to cry at the tv, "They will!
They will!"
Stephanie Allynne's portrayal of Kate is funny, charming, witty, understated, strong, and overwhelmingly honest. I especially loved and related to her discovery of her queerness. Everyone has always assumed Kate was straight, and before she met Tig, so did she. In one scene, while Tig is out on a date with another woman, Kate curls up in bed to watch "The L Word" with a glass of wine and an open excited mind.
While season one of "One Mississippi" focused heavily on Tig's mom, season two allows itself to overflow into her local community and family life. Set in a post-Trump America, Tig deals with homophobia and ignorance from friends, colleagues, neighbors, and sponsors of her TV show. Additionally, her stepfather Bill (John Rothman) seeks to educate himself about his white privilege and the south's history of racism and how to be a better ally.
Season 2 of the show
The final two episodes of "One Mississippi" deal with assault and molestation in a vulnerable, honest, and painful way. The show addresses the horrific behavior of Louis CK in a bold way. Tig endeavors to empower women to be strong, to stand up to their abusers, and to assert their right to safety. Additionally she explores the impact of assault on the family members of the survivor. I thought the episodes handled this issue in a powerful, honest, and careful manner.
Season Two of "One Mississippi" is hilarious, heart wrenching, sweet, dark, insightful and empowering. Both seasons are available to watch now on Amazon Prime.