Lena Headey, famously known for portraying Queen Gorgo in the film "300," and the incestuous and savage queen Cersei Lannister in the hit TV series “Game of Thrones” threw out a nasty Twitter post about the whole Louis C.K. sexual harassment issue.
Headey tweeted the following and addressed it directly to Louis C.K.:
Louis CK. The words you wrote are a shitshow of narcissistic cock soup.
— lena headey (@IAMLenaHeadey) November 11, 2017
Cersei looks down on Louis C.K.
The “Game of Thrones” star surely didn’t mince words when she blasted the comedian the way Cersei Lannister would throw cruel comments to her enemies.
Her comments were a critique of C.K.’s public apology following the New York Times reports about five women recalling separate incidents of sexual harassments. However, netizens responded to her tweet positively.
He didn’t apologize. FULL STOP. He wrote some stuff that he thought would make people still think he’s funny. He ain’t. https://t.co/ZBOcdTK86I
— lena headey (@IAMLenaHeadey) November 11, 2017
Headey’s Encounter With Weinstein
In October, Lena Headey shared her own sexual harassment experience at the hands of another Hollywood personality, Harvey Weinstein. The two met when she was promoting her film, “The Brothers Grimm” at the Venice Film Festival. Weinstein fell from grace when the “Times” released a report about his misdeeds.
As of this writing, the number of women who came out to openly accuse Weinstein of sexual harassment has risen to 72, which includes Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, and Rose McGowan.
According to Headey, there was a time when Harvey asked her to walk with him to the water. She did as he asked but he suddenly stopped and made a gesture and suggestive comments, which she just laughed off.
She said that was truly shocked by that incident.
Years after that incident, Headey met with Harvey Weinstein again at a hotel, where the Hollywood producer made another proposition. But when Lena refused, Weinstein walked her out and whispered to her ear, Headey recalled Weinstein telling her to not tell anybody about the incident, especially not her agent or her manager.
When Headey refused Weinstein's advances, she never got the opportunity to appear in any Miramax films again.
People’s reaction to Louis C.K.’s public apology
People surely can’t get enough of Headey’s tweet blasting Louis C.K. Many people are extremely disappointed on how the comedian handled the apology. They heavily criticised the word "admire" which appeared in his public apology many times. Some say that Louis C.K. is only sorry for getting caught, and not for what he did. They even shared their own opinion through their own Twitter accounts about his supposedly public apology.
I've postponed reading the full statement till now and I instantly regret it. I feel absolutely nauseous. This is not an apology. This is some fucking narcissist going on about how women "admire" him. No woman admires you, you sick pos. Fuck you Louis CK. Pig. https://t.co/JUEMu2d1qh
— KJSUAID (@TimeReclaimer) November 13, 2017