I believe it is safe to say that Joy-Anna Duggar knows a little bit about pregnancy. I mean, when your mother has given birth to 19 children you are bound to have picked up some lessons and advice. Well, did you know that Michelle, who is Joy-Anna's mother, didn’t only just give birth in hospitals, but also in her own home? Yes, some of the Duggar children were born in a medical facility, while others were born in the Duggar family home. Well, now that she is pregnant with her first child, fans of the show don’t know if she is going to give birth in a hospital or at home.

The controversies surrounding the pregnancy

In case you didn’t know, Joy-Anna Duggar and her husband Austin Forsyth got married back in May at Cross Church in Rogers, Arkansas. A short while after their wedding the couple announced that they were expecting their first child. However, this came with a tad of controversy as many people now think that this wedding was a shotgun wedding because of the pregnancy. You see, some fans believe this because Duggar and her husband have been accused of having physical relations before marriage, which is a big no in the Duggar family and Christian community.

The other reason as to why some fans of the show believe this was a shotgun wedding is because of how young Joy-Anna Duggar is.

For example, Duggar is only twenty years old, and many think that the only reason she rushed into marriage was to hide the fact that she was going to have a child out of wedlock, and that would have embarrassed the family. Now, these are just rumors so the couple could have gotten pregnant after the wedding took place, but I'm just saying that there has been lots of speculation about the pregnancy.

The controversial pregnancy so far

Joy-Anna Duggar and her husband Austin Forsyth announced their pregnancy to People magazine. This is what they said to People “We're so happy and thankful to announce that we're expecting a baby! Every child is a precious gift from God. I'm most looking forward to watching Austin as a dad and raising children together with him.” As mentioned above, the Duggar family is no stranger to home births, as Joy-Anna's mother, Michelle, along with her sisters, Jill and Jessa, have all attempted home births. It is also worth mentioning that Jill has actually become a certified midwife, and that could mean that she could help Joy-Anna with a Home Birth if she chooses to go through with the practice.