Sylvester Stallone is filming two ''Escape Plan'' sequels right now, but he will always remember his favorite character. Every once in a while Sylvester Stallone shares pictures dropping information about his new sequel ''Creed II'', and his latest one is definitely a hot one. In one of his most recent posts, Stallone said: 'Looking forward to directing and Producing The incredibly talented Michael B Jordan in ''CREED II'' next year ... One more Round!' It is official! Stallone will be the star, the producer, the director and the writer of the sequel.

Let's take a closer look at this post with the two fighters -- pay extra attention to the hashtag that Stallone wrote in the caption:

Ivan Drago Vs Rocky

As we can all see Sylvester Stallone used hashtags in the above picture hinting that we are going to have fighting, workout, exercise and boxing scenes in ''Creed II.'' However, the most important question on everyone's mind is, will Rocky going to be part of all these or has cancer broken him? We have all seen the evidence that Dolph Lungren has already started hard training for the movie, so will we be seeing lots of scenes with his body? Τhis is something that has been on fans' minds for a long time. The older Rocky fans want to see their hero in an unforgettable street fight with Drago, while the new generation is begging for something not overdue.

These possible scenarios that we created are based on another Sylvester Stallone post where he is with Ivan Dragon in the ring during ''Rocky IV'' shootings. Here he uses the hashtags healthy food, exercise, fitness and fighting. See picture below.

Rocky memories

After a few days, Sylvester Stallone went further down memory lane, sharing another post with Dolph Lundgren in ''Rocky IV.

'' There he said: ''Everyone in life has their very own personal mountain to climb.'' Could that personal mountain he is referring to have to do with aging? This is something that is becoming more noticeable for these veteran stars as they grow older. Perhaps that is why he hashtagged healthy food and exercise again.

Another clue we found through his Instagram was in his other post with a ''Rocky III'' picture.

Stallone said: ''Sorry for showing off but I really like the intensity of this photo .. Love how photographs freeze time so you can go back many years later and relive those special moments.'' It's quite obvious that Stallone is referring to his well-formed body and his greatest moments and that is why he advised his fans later that like his character Rocky, he believes "that the search for SELF -WORTH is a never-ending search, a constant battle with your confidence so we shouldn't get too discouraged. it's normal !! …keep punching"

Stallone certainly knows what nostalgia means. Now we'll all have to wait to see what he is preparing for us!