"Wonder Woman" was arguably this year's best blockbuster film, proving once and for all that the DCEU can actually get something done right. Following the polarizing reviews of "Man of Steel" and "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice," it's refreshing to see a DCEU movie that was appreciated by most moviegoers. Star Gal Gadot proved herself to be leading role-worthy, and Patty Jenkins, who was previously slated to direct "Thor 2," made her biggest earning film with this year's DC offering. "Wonder Woman" earned as much as $813 million worldwide and $409 million in the United States alone.
This is why it comes as a surprise when Warner Bros. took forever to confirm that Jenkins is returning to helm "Wonder Woman 2," which is slated for a 2019 release.
Patty Jenkins confirmed as director of the sequel
It may have took a while, but DC fans and moviegoers can now breathe a collective sigh of relief as Warner Bros. has finally closed a deal with Patty Jenkins for "Wonder Woman 2." According to Variety, Jenkins is already working with Geoff Johns for a script and that she's now confirmed to helm the upcoming sequel to this year's hit. According to sources, Jenkins is set to receive an $8 million paycheck for the upcoming movie, on top of a slice of the box office grosses.
Helmer wants to bring superhero to the U.S.
While this year's film was set in Themyscira and London, Patty Jenkins wants to bring "Wonder Woman 2" to America. She told Entertainment Weekly in April that in the sequel, "The story will take place in the U.S., which I think is right. She’s Wonder Woman. She’s got to come to America.
It’s time." The main question now is whether they'll bring back Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) to be part of the film. Some fans are hoping against it, as his return may cancel out the emotional conclusion of this year's film. One actress is interested in being part of the sequel, however, and that's Academy Award Winning actress, Emma Thompson.
Emma Thompson wants a role in the upcoming film
In a recent interview with Variety (via Digital Spy), British award-winning actress Emma Thompson expressed her desire to be in "Wonder Woman 2." In fact, the 58-year old actress had nothing but good words for Patty Jenkins' film. She said that this year's film was "witty and hopeful and delicately done and wonderfully acted." The Academy Award winning actress also praised the way the character was written, as she said, "[Diana Prince] came from a matriarchal society and didn't have a problem with alpha males. That's not at all a typical role model for girls." "Wonder Woman 2" is due for a December 13, 2017 release.