In a world in which justice always prevailed, the war against the statues would have been declared over the moment that the third episode of the current season of “South Park” aired. That pernicious phenomenon was just one of the things that the episode skewered. Victim culture, genealogy sites, the ire against Christopher Columbus, and “Brokeback Mountain” all came in for some ribbing.

‘To give us a day off from school’

The episode started with South Park Elementary in a state of anarchy. The local school board has decided that Christopher Columbus, far from being the brave sailor who discovered a new land, was a genocidal maniac who killed millions of Native Americans for his pleasure.

So Columbus Day is canceled, and the kids have to come to school after all. The culprit, as with much else that has happened over the years, is Stan’s dad Randy Marsh, who used to admire Columbus so much that he used to cosplay him at every opportunity, but is now calling people up in the town of Columbus, Maine and accusing them of racism. Randy also makes out with a Native American in a bizarre attempt to game a DNA test. He also seems to confuse the word “indigenous” and “indignant.”

Everyone can be a victim

One of the messages of the episode is that everyone can be a victim thanks to those DNA test companies. Even if one is mostly Northwest European, a trace of Africa, Asian, or, in Randy’s case, Neanderthal ancestry is enough to make one a victim of someone.

One can be not the race one is according to genetics, but the race one identifies with, so long as there is even a smidgeon in one’s genome.

Let’s celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day by yelling at each other

One of the funniest running gags in the episode, besides the love-struck Native American, is Randy’s confusion of the word “indigenous” with “indignant.” In fact, Randy is not very wrong where current victim culture is concerned.

The trend to substitute Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day is not meant to celebrate anything, but rather serves as an excuse to yell at people for centuries-old wrongs, often exaggerated, Columbus did not murder millions of people. He was certainly not responsible for the sins committed by individuals who sailed the ocean blue after him.

And yet somehow the Genovese mariner has become worse than Hitler, Mao, and Stalin combined. It is almost too bad that he sailed under the flag of Spain rather than the Confederate battle standard. Otherwise, the outrage would be complete.