2017 marks the 20th anniversary of the Harry Potter books, and to make it special, a library in London will launch an exhibition this fall. Harry Potter: A History of Magic will start on October 20 and will run for five months, before shifting to the New York Historical Society in October 2018. The book “Harry Potter: A Journey Through a History of Magic," published by Scholastic, will also be published on the same day, October 20, to give Potterheads a sneak peek of what to expect.

What to expect from 'Harry Potter: A History of Magic'

The exhibition will reveal some of the exclusive manuscripts and rare books from the archives of the British Library to demonstrate the connection between J.K Rowling’s magical world and the authentic history of the British folklores and legends.

In terms of cultural studies and literature too, this exhibition will be a valuable contribution and this is probably why the exhibition will run for a relatively long time period. The exhibition will also display the very first drafts of the author, J.K Rowling and the first illustrations by Jim Kay as well.

The all new animated version of 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone' is here

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone” has also got an amazing animated Kindle version. Thanks to Amazon, Jim Kay's illustrated version, the first book of the series came alive in the Muggle world. Much like the films, the animated version includes the portraits and The Daily Prophet newspaper images along with the images of Hermione, the Sorting Hat, and the Quidditch practices.

The cover of the book is also animated and shows young Harry waiting on the platform to board the Hogwarts Express with his luggage and his pet owl Hedwig in a cage, while an owl flaps its wings above his head. What makes the cover magical, is the constant drifting smoke from the train, which keeps covering Harry in a white thin film.

The book is available on Amazon Kindle at $9.99 and has already started selling like hot cakes. The illustrated version of the second part, “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” and the third sequel,Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” are expected to be published in October, but no final date has been confirmed.

Overall, 2017 seems to be an eventful year for Potterheads, with a host of new releases and exciting events! Share with us, about what excites you the most - the upcoming event or the new releases?